I Can Still Feel It

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Your eyes flutter open.

You just woke up from a bad dream.

You close your eyes and open them again.


Open. Close.


Open. Close. Open. Close. Open. Close.

Again, nothing.

You sighed and sat up.

You looked out the window and saw a bird sitting on the branches of a tree.

You can tell the bird was singing, just by looking at it.

But you couldn't hear it.

You couldn't hear anything.

That's what happens when you're deaf.

You get up and walk to the bathroom, grabbing your toothbrush.

You turned on the water and stared at it as it goes down the sink into the pipes.

I wish I can hear that. Water running.. wasting it. Just once more.

Once again, you sighed.

"Deep breaths.." you whisper, or at least you think you did.

You close your eyes and inhale.

Breathe (Y/N)..

Exhale. You open your eyes again and begin brushing your teeth.

When you finished, you walked downstairs.

You smelled something cooking.

Smells good.. at least I can still do that. Smell.

You walk into the kitchen and see Bruno.

He turns around and smiles.

Bruno moves his lips. He's saying something.

"Hi, baby."

6 months ago, you got into a really bad accident.

In fact, it was so bad that the last thing you heard was the crashing sound of a truck hitting you.

It took away your hearing.

6 months without hearing.

Without listening to his voice.

If I had known that that was the last day I would hear, I would've made him sing to me all day.

So, after so long of complete silence, you've gotten used to reading lips.

You're not a pro at lip reading. You're not even THAT great.

But you're good. And that's enough.

"Hi." You say back.

"You hungry?" He mouths.

You nod. "Very."

He takes your hand and sits you down on the table.

Bruno has tried really hard not to say so much at one time.

He knew that it'd only make you frustrated.

After eating, you and Bruno go to the backyard.

Once again, you see the birds on the trees.

You felt as if they were mocking you.

Stupid birds.

You stared at them.

Why? Why do you have to mock me? I get it. I can't hear.

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