She's Back (Part 5)

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*May contain errors. Last part to She's Back*


You open the bedroom door slowly, poking your head out to look. Silence. You step out onto the hallway, looking around the house as if it wasn't your own.

You felt like a prisoner in that room. Moments after Bruno left, you could hear him and Lena speaking, and after a few minutes, the front door closed.

You walk downstairs in a slow pace, keeping your hand on the railing. You slide your feet across the floor to the living room. Empty.

It hasn't occurred to you that Bruno would've even thought of going with Lena, but as you peek through the windows and see his car gone, you realize your fear was true.

He left...

You slump back down onto the couch, putting your small hand on your head, rubbing your temple. It was hard, knowing that the only man you will ever love has betrayed you.

But, through all the hatred towards Bruno, you couldn't deny that you felt another thing: guilt.
"It's my fault..." You thought to yourself.

"All of this... this wouldn't have happened if I wasn't so... jealous. But, this can't all be my fault right? I mean, Bruno did do all the things I accused him of, not to mention the fact that he just LEFT. What's that about?! He's probably kissing her right now... telling her how much he missed her and how unworthy I am... and other things... what a douche! I can't believe I lived with him and fell for him and trusted every word he said to me! All those 'I love you's' are bullshit! All those kisses, late night calls, hugs and cuddling, all that love making... it's fake. It was all fake, it was ALWAYS fake. I can't believe he did this to me. I can't believe I did this to myself... thinking that maybe one guy out there is capable of loving me... but they're all the same! I know that now. I just thought Bruno was different..."

You wipe the tears rolling off your face with your sleeve, sniffling here and there and wishing you had a tissue. The more you thought about it, the more tears you shed.

Closing your eyes made things worse, as you see his face every time you do. Sad is an understatement of how you're feeling. The salty tears that never left your face were flooding your eyes and you couldn't help but to feel weak and used.

"Get it together, (Y/N)," You think once again.
"This isn't your fault. He did this, it's his fault. I can do this. I can... I can... I can't..."

And suddenly, you were weary, tired of crying, tired of trying to convince yourself. The exhaustion came at you all at once, hitting you like a truck and you fell into a deep sleep as you lean your head on the couch.


"Are you ready?"

"What exactly are we doing here, Bruno?" You ask.

"Trying to have fun. Come on, (Y/N), loosen up a bit. It's just you and me and nobody else. Now, take my hand," Bruno commands with a genuine smile. His large hand, which was somehow blurry, was held out for you and you take it.

Bruno leads you to the edge of a cliff over water.
As you look over, fear begins to fill your mind. You turn your attention to Bruno and stare at him, giving him an uneasy look.

He does nothing but smile, grabbing your hands once again, and staring at you with his big, chocolate brown eyes. And still, the look gave you some kind of assurance. Everything will be okay.

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