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Andy's POV

I took a deep breath as the doctor injected a needle in my arm. 'It should just be this one Blood test, for now.' She said. I nodded and Ash squeezed my hand as I gritted my teeth. 'You should get a call from us tomorrow to find out what's wrong.' She said, wiping my arm with a damp cloth. I nodded again. 'My suspicion is a high blood pressure, you seem to have all the symptoms for that.' She said. 'How bad is that?' Ash asked, concern clearly showing in his voice. I blushed slightly, he really cared. 'It shouldn't be too bad..' she started. 'It depends how high it is. We'll see when we get the tests back.' She smiled. 'B-but what d-do you mean it depends?' Ash stuttered. I was shocked to see him in such a state. 'Ash, calm down.' I said, trying to reassure him. 'Worst case scenario, you have a stroke.' She said. Ash covered his mouth with his hands and very quietly made a strange squeaky noise. 'But, we'll just have to wait for the test results..' she said, looking at Ash strangely as he buried his head in his hands. I smiled at the doctor. 'Thanks.' I said as I tried to drag Ash out of the room.

'Ash you need to calm down! It will be fine!' I said, rubbing his back. 'What if it's not? I can't lose you Andy!' He sobbed. 'Ash, look at me,' I said and Ash looked up. 'It will be fine, and if they are too high.. well then, we can easily get it back down, it's not that hard!' I said. He nodded as I wiped a tear from his face. Was I scared? Yes. But I wasn't going to let that show.

We walked back to the car in silence. I looked at Ash, I could see him trying to hold back tears. We climbed into the car and Ash sat there for a while. 'Ash, It will be okay!' I said. He burst into tears, slamming the steering wheel. 'Andy! You can't die!' He screamed. 'I'm not going to die! Loads of people get high blood pressure! It's a normal thing!' I said loudly, trying to overpower his sobs with my voice. He leapt on me and buried his head in my chest. 'I love you too much, I can't lose you.' He whispered. I could feel the tears sink through my shirt. I kissed his forehead. 'You won't.' I whispered.

We drove back in silence, Mötley Crüe playing quietly in the background. We finally arrived back at our house. I unlocked the door and walked straight over to the sofa. I flopped on it and lay there for a second. 'Ash?' I called. 'Yeah?' He said, he was sitting on the other sofa.. judging by where his voice was coming from anyway. 'Can I bring DareDevil to our wedding?' I asked. It was a bit of a random question, but I wanted to break the silence. He laughed slightly. 'Of course.' He said. I smiled and slowly got up. 'Should I make some tea?' I asked. Ash shook his head. 'I'll do it.' He said, getting up. 'No, Ash it's fine.' I said. He gave me 'the look', so I gave him my best puppy face. I don't know why, but I really enjoy making tea. 'Ash, please. I'm fine!' I said. He shook his head. 'Andy, the last thing I want is for you to have a stroke.. please, just sit back down.' He said. I sighed and sat back down. I don't like this. I feel so helpless. I sat there for about 5 minutes. 'Ash?' I called, wondering what was taking so long. He didn't reply. 'Ash!?' I called, slightly louder. Still, no reply. I got up and walked down the hallway to the kitchen. But before I opened the door, I was stopped by the sound of sobbing. 'Ash?' I asked. The crying stopped for a second. 'Yeah?' He finally said, his voice shaking. I turned the handle and ran in, hugging him as tightly as possible, letting out all the tears I had been holding in. 'I'm so scared!' I sobbed. He wrapped his arms round me and squeezed tighter. I could feel him shiver at the feel of my cold tears on his neck, but I didn't want to let go, I never wanted to let go of Ash again.

Ash's POV

I never wanted to let go of Andy. Hugging him made me forget everything that's going on. I mean, they also say that hugs get rid of stress.. so I guess if Andy does have High Blood pressure, than hugging is good. I think. After what seemed like ages, we finally pulled away. I reached for his face and wiped a tear that was rolling down his cheek. He smiled and kissed my cheek. He rested his head on my shoulder and whispered 'what would I do without you?' He asked. I really wanted to reply with probably  not have high blood pressure but I didn't want to upset him even more. It's true though. I feel like it's my fault. Why else would he be stressed? He pulled away and I walked over  to the counter to pour the boiling water in our mugs. He waved his hands over the steam. He always does this and it never fails to make me laugh, even when I'm upset.

We walked back into the living room and put American Horror Story on. My favourite film. 'I've been thinking..' Andy suddenly said. I nodded. ' I want to get another tattoo.' He said. I smiled and said 'yeah.' He smiled back and said ' I want your name on my arm.' My heart fluttered and I could feel myself blush. ' Andy, ' I started. He pressed his finger to my lips. I guess that was a good thing because I didn't know what to say. I rested my head on his chest and whispered ' I love you so much.' He stroked my head and replied with ' I love you too.'

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