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Andy's POV

I know me and Ash have only been properly together for roughly only two weeks, but i've known him for ten years, and never have we had an argument or fallen out. And I just know that i've never loved anyone as much as I love him. I'm going to ask him to marry me. I have to. I want to marry him more than anything else. 

I just don't know when. A hand flashed across my face. It was Ash. I had been in  a daydream for ages. Little did he know I was thinking of marrying him! 'Okay,' Ash started. 'I'm pretty sure everything packed. Shall we get out of here?'  He asked, smiling. I nodded and smiled back.

We got on the car and drove to San Diego. Everyone left earlier, so they took the tour bus. We finally arrived at our hotel. I texted Jake, wondering what room they were in. He replied saying we were on the 11th floor. Better take the lift! We finally arrived in our room. I looked at the clock.  1.34pm it read. 'We better get to the venue in a minute!' I said to Ash, the other guys got there one hour ago. Ash walked over to me and pressed his lips to my forehead. 'Okay.' He whispered. I got my clothes and makeup and we made our way down to the venue. 

The show was early, it started at 6pm and ended at 8pm, then we had a meet and greet that would probably take it to 10pm. I could book dinner for me and Ash, maybe. I turned to face him. 'Ash?' I asked. He nodded 'mhm' He said. 'Would y-you like to go out tonight?' I asked. A massive smile spread across his face. 'Oh my god! Yes! Of course!' He squealed. I was slightly shocked at his reaction. I meant.. it was only dinner!

I spent the five minute walk to the venue debating wether or not to propose tonight or not. I might as well get it over and done with. I don't think i've ever been as nervous as I was today. 'You okay?' Ash asked. I nodded and smiled. 'You sure? You look nervous.' Ash said. I shook my head and laughed. 'I'm fine!' I replied, smiling. He linked hands with me and we walked down the street together holding hands.

Ashley's POV

I'm worried for Andy. He looks nervous and I don't really know why. It could be because he's just came out of hospital. Yeah, it's probably that. I squeezed his hand and looked at him. He didn't look back at me, instead he smiled and squeezed my hand back.

We finally reached the venue. Jake was setting up his guitar with the speakers. Jinxx was dancing around on the floor. 'Now I know what it must feel like to be someone in the crowd!' He yelled. He whooped and started star jumping. 'I-is he drunk..?' I asked laughing. Jake rolled his eyes and laughed. 'Who knows?' He replied, plugging his guitar into an amp.

4 Hours later.....

This dressing rooms much smaller than the one in New York and all this hair sprays making me dizzy! 'This is your two minute warning!' Our tour manager yelled through the door. We all had a group hug. 'Good Luck guys!' CC said. 'We're gunna smash it!' Jake yelled.

'3..2..1 You're on!' 

We all ran on stage, the crowd went wild and everyone screamed. 'How are we doing San Diego!' I screamed into the microphone. The response was crazy for such a small venue.

The night went in a flash and we were playing our final song in no time. We played In the End, which is always our final song, and walked off the stage. We went to cool ourselves down for the meet and greet.

'Ready to meet some fans!' Christian yelled, rubbing his hands together. 'Yasss!' I yelled and we went of to meet everyone.

After last night most of the questions were: 'Is it true you two are together.?' 'Is andy okay?' 'What does Juliet think?' We answered them all with a smile on our face. Even if it involved Juliet, I wanted to make our fans happy, so I told them the truth, of course after Andy told me it was okay to.

One of the questions really caught my attention though. 'Are you ever going to marry Andy?'

That one question had been replaying in my mind the whole night. I'd never really thought of it. I'd want nothing more than to marry Andy, it's just a thing of whether he feels the same way. Maybe tonight i'll ask him about it..

Andy's POV

We walked to the restaurant in town. When we arrived there, there was a woman waiting there.  'Would you like a table, gentlemen?' She asked. No, I came here to eat on the floor, rug number five please!  I thought to myself, making myself laugh slightly. 'Err, yeah. I booked a table for two earlier. It should be under the name Biersack.' I said. She looked through a notepad and nodded. 'Of course.' She smiled and led us to a lovely table in the corner. It had a candle that smelt like gingerbread on it and a beautiful red rose in the middle of the small table. 'Aww, Andy, this is perfect!' Ash squealed. I laughed slightly. 

This was it I was going to ask Ash to marry me. I think I'll wait for our main meal, then I'll ask. I can't help but feel nervous. What if he says no?

The waitress came over to the table and placed a glass of fizzy water and a non alcoholic cocktail mix to add. I poured the mix into the water, but my hand was shaking too much and I tipped over half of it on the table. Ash looked concerned. 'Andy..are you sure you're okay?' He asked, worry flooding his voice. I nodded, a bit frantically actually 'Andy.. I don't want to be rude or anything but.. you're acting a bit.. strange.. Are you sure?' He asked again. 'Ash,' I started. 'I'm fine!' I said, trying to reassure him. He nodded but didn't look convinced.

Ashley's POV

Why's Andy acting so strange? I wanted to ask him about marriage and everything but.. if he's acting like this, then I wouldn't want to stress him out anymore. 

He calmed down a bit by the time the main meal came, which was good. After we had finished eating, I put my hand on his. 'Andy, C-can I ask you something?' I asked, slightly nervous. 'I need to ask you something too.' He said, starting to look slightly worried again. 'Ok, You go first then.' I said. 'No, you go first.' He said, smiling. 'Pleaasseee.' I begged and put on my best puppy eyes. He sighed. 'Okay.'

He looked at me. I could feel his hands shaking in mine. What could be so terrifying? 'Ash, I know we've only properly been together for roughly 2 weeks.' I nodded. 'But we've known each other for roughly 10 years! And it feels like we've been together for all of those years.' He said. He paused. I've never seen him look so worried. 'A-ash, d-do you w-wanna..umm...marry me?' He asked. My eyes widened and I covered my mouth with my hands so I didn't scream. 'I totally understand if you don't, its okay if you don't!' He yelled quickly. 'Of course I want to marry you!' I squealed and hugged him as tight as possible. I looked at his face, his beautiful face. He was going to be my husband! I quickly kissed him and sat back. 

This was literally one of the best nights of my life!

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