Okay now, I know what your thinking. You done fucked up now- No I semi did. You see if there is one thing I've learned in life it is, if you mess up, do it big. So you see, I still had a mansion to fuck up and a car to steal. When I got inside the first thing I did was spray paint "TY IS A DICKHEAD," on the wall drawing one right beside it and my best drawing of Ty, with an arrow connecting to it. I heard footsteps running down the stairs, they were heavy so they were of a mans. I quickly limped out front to the trucks, I broke a window and unlocked the car, jumping inside.Hotwiring came easy, the only problem was how in the hell would I get past the row of mutts that started to form right in front of the exit gate.

Xavier burst from the house like a gorgeous hulk. The closer he got the more I realised I had to make an escape, I drove, screaming out the broken glass, "XAVIER, TELL YOUR MUTTS TO MOVE OR I WILL RUN THEM OVER!" I stopped the car in front of them hoping they would just move but they stood grounded. "3!" I screamed "2!" My palms began to get sweaty, "2 AND 1/2"I couldn't do it, the longer they stood their the longer I counted.

"Just get out the car," Xavier said sounding bored "we both know your not gonna do it, so just get your fat ass out of the damn car." 

Fat? I am not fat. 

Disappointly I climbed from the car making sure not to put too much pressure on my sprang foot, flipping the crowd of people the finger. When I looked back at Xavier I didn't get to see much but the back of his hand. I fell to the ground almost instantly at the force behind the hit. I stood to attack him but when I did I felt his fist slam into my stomach knocking me back down, I was gasping for air. He yanked my hair back so that he could see my face and backhanded me again.  "Run from me again, I'll kill your whole entire family so you have no one to run to and I'll make sure you have no legs to run with. I promise. And for safe measures-" He stomped on my sprang ankle, I heard the bone snap and that's some powerful shit considering I was screaming for bloody mary. 

"NOBODY TOUCH HER, LET HER CRAWL BACK!" Xavier roared and by now I was drenched in my own tears, nothing but pure hatred. He bent down close to my face "Clean up your mess, I want that wall scrubbed, and an apology given, am I understood?"


Roughly he smacked me again and again and again until blood spilt from my nose, my jaw was numb, and I flinched at every hit. "Do.You.Understand?" 

"Y-yes," I said whimpering, I began to hiccup from crying so much. He snatched my hair back, gripping my throat "Yes what?" He growled.

"Yes, sir-" "Alpha-SAY IT!" he roared causing me to jump.


and he left as fast as he was there, I sat there in my own blood and tears. Just like he said, no one came to help. I felt broken, but most importantly in the mist of 6 pack houses, that probably housed roughly 3,540 people I felt alone.

That was when I decided it was probably in my best interest, to play my role.

I wiped my pathetic tears and climbed up the side of the car that I should have used to run over every person and child. I limped back to the house as every pair of eyes but Xaviers- Alpha's watched me. I closed the door behind me and the Alpha's mother ran to me almost instantly insisting I let her bandage the leg up before I began my duties. 

"No ma'am, I'll attend to it later," I said almost robotic moving around her. I went to the kitchen, every now and then hissing at every wrong move, I grabbed a bucket of soapy water and a towel, then began my scrubbing. At about 5 pm I had gotten every letter out of the wall. I began to help the Alpha's mother prepare Dinner, she attempted to make small talk telling me I deserved the punishment, and usually, I would argue my point across, but it was as if all feelings had died. "Yes, ma'am" is all I could mumble. At dinner, we prepared all 12 tables and the way it worked as it was 4 maids in total- I now included (Alpha's mom is not a maid but does the things a mother would for her pack like cook, and clean- however she does not bring food in.) The 12 tables are split up so 1 maid works 3 tables. I picked my tables wisely so I wouldn't have to face the Alpha. I bought the tables closes to the kitchen door their food, I made no eye contact, I didn't care for faces. I limped back and forth, my leg raw and bleeding, my face was swollen, a bloody nose dried up tears, and my ribs begging for assistance. I didn't care about my appearance, I barely cared about my self, and my well being. Just when I thought the dinner was over with or at least close to the end I heard the Alpha scream across the room for the classic piano music to stop. 

"SLAVES LINE UP." All three of the women raced to the middle of the floor, however, we all knew he was looking for me, I limped to the middle where they stood. I looked straight ahead, I could feel tears threaten to fall as he pointed to me. "Come here." I walked as fast as I could, not wanting to keep him waiting anymore but the catch was, I came to him but I wouldn't dare come close to him. Even with the little bit of distance, I shook uncontrollably, I grew to fear him. I think everyone could sense it if not by my shaking and lack of eye contact then by my heart.

"You cleaned the walls of your profanity?" Alpha questioned, "Yes, Alpha." I said immediately not wanting to upset him. "Did you apologize to Ty?"  My voice got caught in my throat, and my hands began to get sweaty, but I knew oh too well what would happen without a response. "No, Alpha." "What are you waiting for human, huh? For hell to freezer over? Do it now!" "S-SORRY!" I said fast tears shooting out of my eyes and down my face, "I am so sorry sir." I looked at Ty not making eye contact with him but the collar of his shirt, I didn't want to mumble his name.

One thing I most definitely sure about.

I hated them, all.

After everything was done, I limped upstairs to my room, curled up in a way my ribs would allow and cried myself to sleep.

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