"Well everyone knows either one thing or another so oh well." He said shrugging and walking back to the group before Barry could say anything more mushy and make her change her decision. By the time she had returned everyone had joined the group including Jessie and wells. "So I haven't been upfront with everyone."

" what do you mean." Iris replied.

"Well," she ran out of the room and came back with a big belly burger meal and placed it on the table. Barry was surprised that Cisco, Jessie, Caitlin and iris didn't flinch. "And I can also make anything in need such as money food or house. Also bullet proof or iron skin, acute hearing, strength, healing rapidly, flight at one point and I can open breaches but that really drains me. basically anything that i need to survive in my surroundings."

"So basically anything." Said Joe.

"Yes but I only have certain powers on different earths for example on Earth 19 I can turn Invisible. that was fun." she said giggle under her breath when she saw no one else was laughing she dropped the smile and continued with her story."I got these powers from a meteor that hit a car I was in it fused to my body and I was exposed the radiation." She looked at Barry pushing his hands through his hair and everyone's face looking slightly stunned. "Anything else we need to know." Myer nodded and removed the mirage from her stomach reviewing the baby bump, cautiously. Gasps were hidden all around.

" your pregnant" gasped Cisco, iris and Jessie. Wells just rolled his eyes at Myer. " anything else" gasped Cisco and Iris who had both already run over and laid their hands on the bump and then run back, " no family, twins we should know about." Said Wells.

"Well um... My name is Myer Danvers." Barry stopped walking away and stared at her.

"well ok then."said wells throwing his hands in the air in confusion and walking away.

" wait Danver's." Barry calmly said even though his face was full of panic.

"Yes Danver's."

"As in Kara Danver's." Barry inquired further.

"Yes she is my older sister on earth 38." Barry gulped, Myer nodded her head.

"that where you knew me from, we saw each other at CATCO, the magazine place with the scary boss lady. When Kara first introduced you to Winn and James, I was outside but she sent me away but I saw you and that's what triggered the flash back to the hospital and you."

"Wait what hospital and what about me."

" Barry, your parents never said anything because they thought it was gone and I'm sorry, I wanted you to hear it from them, not me and I understand if you don't believe me." She said shaking her head almost crying.

"Find out what." Barry said scared for the answer.

"Yeah what." Said Cisco, everyone's head spun and death stared him. " sorry" he said ducking his head down almost fully into his shirt.

"Your parents didn't tell you that they were pregnant with twins , you were one of them but they lost one." Barry shook his head in disbelief. " They thought the other twin was dead, and that's why they didn't mention it. but in actual fact it was taken by Eobard thawne."

" Why?!"

" because if it had have stayed with you, you would have either never stayed with The West family or you both would have been struck by the lightning and both become speedsters and he knew he would be able to take on the pair of you." she said with sympathy showing all over her face.

" how do you know all this" piped up Cisco.

"because when Eobard thawne and Zoom took me, I over heard them talking about it."

" But why would they be talking about it around yo-" It finally clicked in Barry's head and he couldn't speak. he just stared for about a minute or so.

"Barry what is it?!" said Joe who had just walked in.

"Your my twin sister." he whispered.

"Yes" she said scared of his reaction. Barry just stopped and while everyone else gasped and murmured.

"I don't believe you, my parents would have told me." Myer nodded her head.

"Gideon can you show the moment I was born."

"Of course." A projection came out of the watch showing the part showing Henry being pushed out of the room and Tiffany being taken away then shows how Eobard took her and placed her on the door step of Kara's house and her life until she met Barry. Everyone just starred at her.

"So your actually Barry's sister?" Asked Iris. Myer nodded.

" Why didn't you say something sooner, I mean why not tell me until now, why not when we first met?"

" I didn't even know until Zoom took me and Eobard thawne took me back to see it actually happen. And to be honest it felt kind of weird and I had no idea what to do about it." Barry shook his head, ran his hands through his hair and left the room, at normal speed however that's one thing that she had heard Cisco say to Barry in her time there, " don't run angry!". So she disregarded it.

The group split after that. Everyone going to their different places through out the cortex. None of them knew what to say. Iris walked over to Myer. " So My-" iris stopped and thought for thirty seconds before continuing, " What do I call you now?"

" Myer, sweetie, you can still call me Myer. Even though the development has come out i'm still the girl you have known for the past 5 months." she said hugging Iris.

" Do you want to go home now?"

"yes, my feet are killing me." the two girls started laughing as they walk out of the cortex towards the curb." as they reached the curb an olive skinned, good looking man walked over to them. " Can I help you?" said Myer. He didn't respond and shot energy at them, throwing them to the ground about 50 meters away. "rude." ,she yelled at him before scrambling over to see if Iris was ok. She helped Iris up. When they both stood up, they saw him leaving. Zoom picked Myer up and started to strangle her. " Let Go of her!" yelled Iris, Zoom smacked her and she passed out on the concrete. Myer was dragged inside by zoom.

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