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File video: Composition1.mp4

Camera opens to Alden awkwardly smiling at the camera. He's wearing a plain white shirt and shorts, his hand holding his old guitar.

Alden: holds up guitar This big guy is only twelve years younger than me. Whenever I need to compose something new, I usually try it out on him first.

Patricia: behind the camera Do those stickers mean anything?

Alden: Oh, the stickers? Yung tatlong pangalan sa gilid, kaming tatlong magkakapatid 'yan. RC - RJ - Ria. Yung Iron Man stickers-- well, that's explainable.

Patricia: And? Yung heart sticker sa gilid?

Alden: grins Idinikit yan ng espesyal na babae sa buhay ko.

His gaze fixates on a point beyond the screen. A few second passes with him just grinning cheesily at the camera.

Patricia: Anak naman ng titig 'yan! Guys, we're still rolling, hello!

Alden grins sheepishly and a laugh can be heard in the background.

Alden: Sorry!

Maine (offcam): Sorry, Patring!


File video: Composition2.mp4

Patricia: We're rolling!

Alden strums the guitar.

Alden: I'm actually not that good with coming up with words, pwera na lang kung I'm exceptionally inspired.

Patricia: So what's your inspiration lately?

Alden grins again. Patricia surprising pans the camera towards Maine's direction, taking her by surprise. The latter makes a face, laughing.

Maine: Wala akong kinalaman diyan!

Screen turns to black.


File Video: MVshoot.mp4

Patricia waving and grinning, Maine also smiling beside her.

Patricia: Hey, guys! So we're also lucky enough to witness the Prince of Seranades tape for his music video.

Camera switches to the people and fans overlooking Alden's shoot. The setting is a park with a beautiful view of trees and flowers.

Maine: laughs Grabe ang daming tao!

Camera focuses back on Maine and Patricia.

Maine: We should probably go and visit Mr. Richards in his tent now.

Screen momentarily turns to black. Then opens to Alden sitting on a make-up chair, a stylist currently fixing his hair.

Maine: Hi.

Alden grins when he sees her.

Alden: Hi!

Maine: Mag-hi ka rin naman sa camera!

Alden laughs and faces the camera, making silly faces as he waves overenthusiastically.

Alden: Hiiiiiiiii!

Maine: So, Alden, what do you usually feel when you're making a music video?

Alden: Nervous. Kahit ilang ulit ko siyang gawin, he places a hand over his chest, face crumpling. Kinakabahan pa rin ako.

Maine: Aww.

Alden: Pero dahil andito ka na, parang okay naman na ko.

Patricia: behind the camera utang na loob! Ang harot harot po!

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