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i open my eyes
to see a bright light
bright white walls.
where am i?
this isn't home.
someone gets up from a chair.
it's you but your different.
your gray hair is gone
replaced by jet black strands.
have you grown as well?
why are you here with me,
you stalker.
you straddle me in your arms
causing me to finally notice
the tubes in my arms.
i know where i am
but why am i here?
"baby, thank god you woke up."
you say
snuggling your head in the crook of my neck.
"who are you?"
i ask
confused of why you're holding me like this.
"my name is min yoongi. i am your boyfriend."
with a puzzled face i look at you round
brown orbs.
"you've been in a coma for the past year."
you go on telling me
what i've missed while i was gone.
i admire your face.
happy to know that you are mine.
i'm glad what i went through
was all a dream.
i'm glad
the min yoongi i know
is real and with

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