9: Anger and Hate

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Karlie didn't move from the spot. She felt completely paralyzed in utter shock and disbelief. Never before had she dreamed that this day would come, she always imagined that her and Jack would get married, have kids, and would live happily ever after.

"Did you not hear me? I said get of the car!" Jack yelled. Karlie flinched back again, tears quickly forming in her dull, green eyes. She watched as he ripped his seat belt off and stormed out of the car. Her eyes followed his body as he went to the back trunk and emptied the contents of what didn't belong to him. After that he came to the passenger side where he flung the door open, his baby brown eyes full of hostility.

Karlie felt his hand grip her arm, his nails digging slightly into her skin. She winced at the slight pain but her heart hurt more which masked it to the slightest bit. Her body was dragged out of the car, Jack pinning her against the silver exterior.

"What don't you understand of 'get out'? You have always been a little Brit Brat, haven't you?" Jack said angrily. At his words Karlie felt a switch go off in her head, the feeling unknown.

"You used me, Jack. All along I thought you loved me for real, but now I know it was all fake. It was all a lie. Everything we went through, it was all a part of your plan," Karlie growled, something that had never happened before in her life. "I must say, it was well played but you see in the end you still lose."

"What do you mean 'I still lose'? It seems to me that I've won, you're quite bright but not smart enough. You're too oblivious to what's happening around you. You can't tell when someone's being genuinely nice or if they are lying. It was too easy, but now I'm done with you."

"I have won because you forget that my father could ruin your future just as quickly as he brightened it. As for your new girlfriend, I'm sure he could do the same," Karlie snarled, a sense of uncontrollable anger bubbling in the pit of her stomach.

"Your father can't do nothing, the only reason he became more famous was because of the death of your mother-" Karlie didn't let him say anymore. Her hands flew up to his throat, her fingers tightening around his neck.

"Say something like that again and I swear to God that I will rip your throat out," Karlie whispered to his quickly reddening face. Before he left consciousness she let go, snapping out of her reverie.

"Karlie...oh my goodness, what happened to Jack!?" Erin called from the front steps of the house. Jack only shook his head violently and shoved Karlie to the ground. She watched as he ran back into the car and sped away, black skid marks being left on the road.

Karlie got up from off the ground, her breaths coming out sharp and quick.

What just happened? I could have choked the living breath out of Jack...where did this unknown strength come from? What is happening to me!?

Her hands flew up into her hair as the thoughts darted back and forth in her mind. Never before had she been so angry. The anger...it was some what uncontrollable.

"Karlie...you alright?" Erin asked. Karlie looked at her friend, a sense of fright running through her at what had just happen.

"I'm fine, I just need to let some steam go. I'll be back soon, please don't follow me," Karlie said. After those words she turned around and ran, her feet carrying her faster then they had before. She could hear Erin call out for her to be safe, but at the moment Karlie couldn't care less about her safety.

She could have killed Jack if she continued to choke him. The thought alone made bile rise up in the back of her throat and eventually she let the contents of her stomach out in a bush.

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