Victor went closely and all of them backed away, "Come on Yuuri, let's go discuss your piece first. Can you stand?" The russian silver-haired skater knelt down and gently held Yuuri's hand and asked him.

They heard Yuuri catching his breath, "...I c-can't stand up...Victor.." When Yuuri drifted his gaze to Victor, the rest of the skaters were shocked how vulnerable and dazzling the japanese skater's face was.

They wanted him.

All of them wants to fuck him.

Victor, as the gentleman as he can be, lifted Yuuri bridal style and left the other skaters behind, dumbfounded.

"I'll take Yuuri for now!!" Victor yelled cheerfully, but then looked at them from behind and smirked.

The rest of the skaters were totally awestruck.

"Just what the fuck was that!?" Yurio yelled out, making the other skaters flinch.

"I admit, I wanted to do something to Yuuri at that moment." Chris confessed, and then sighed.

"Yuuri was so cute!!! Well, he's always cute anyway." Phitchit beamed, then skating across the rink, and coming back again.

"Fuck, I already have my fiançe, but why the hell did I just want to fuck a man!?" JJ asked himself, confused.

All of them sighed and mumbled this line in chorus,

"Ahh.. he's an omega."

"An omega."

"Omega all right."

Then they looked at themselves, and skated across the rink round and round like mad men. Yelling out "Omega".


Victor brought Yuuri inside the infirmary, since it's the only place where there's a bed.

"V-Victor... I forgot my suppresants again." Yuuri muttered, helplessly laying on the bed.

Victor locked the door, because he doesn't want anyone disturbing them. Luckily, there weren't any nurse present at the time. And luckily, the higher-ups entrusted the key to Victor.

The thought made him smile.

"Yuuri, you're so reckless. You smell so fucking good you know? The smell reached to the restroom."

"I'm sorry Victor... I was preoccupied." Yuuri mumbled, almost like a whisper.

"They almost got you there. But I won't let them. You're my Omega. You're mine."

Victor whispered the last part, intentionally seductive, making Yuuri flinch.

"V-Victor.... I can't take it anymore..."

"Me neither, Yuuri."

Victor who already have taken control of his lust towards the japanese, quickly but passionately kissed the younger latter.

Victor inserted his tongue into the younger's mouth, discovering the hot yet sweet cavern, making his own shaft hard. Yuuri rapidly removed Victor's jacket and tried to lift his shirt up, Victor also doing the same to Yuuri.

Both pulled away, panting for air.

Yuuri wrapped his arms around Victor's neck, went to his ear, and whispered seductively, "Satisfy me."

Victor's face burned hot. He aggressively pushed Yuuri onto the bed, slamming his body on top of it.

"My gosh Yuuri, why are you doing this to me?"

Heat {Victuuri Two-shot}Where stories live. Discover now