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Sequel to Chapter 10
~With Me~

Abuse (if this happens to you people get help, don't let it happen, stay safe)

"Tania! Tania, please help" I let out a sob after Tania finally answered. It was like any other night, but this time, he tried to stab me, making me hide. I don't know how it got so violent so quickly. I've dealt with things like hitting, more specifically punching or kicking. It was a sudden outburst and I don't know where it came from.

"Y/N? Whats wrong? What happened? Are you okay?" She asked question after question as I let out soft cries into the phone as I tried to speak.

"Pl-ease come and pick me up. I can't stay here, please Tania" I let out more quiet sobs as I hear him yell again, trying to find me.

"Y/N, what happened-" I hear her say as I hear rustling in the background. I cut her off, worried he'll hear me.

"I have to go Tan" I hang up quickly before I take deep breaths. I try to get my breathing normal when suddenly, the closet door opens banging against the shelf. I put my hand on my mouth covering my breath, slowly not making a noise. I have to get out of here, he will find me if not.

He looks around the clothes, pushing them and pulling them. He was holding the knife in one hand while the other was ruining the clothes. He didn't know of my hiding spot which was behind a shelf he didn't even know had space behind.

He soon left the closet with a frustrated growl. I hear him walk away and after I think he's far enough, I get out of my hiding spot and make a fast walk to the front door. I was crossing the living room when I felt a hand grab my arm and pull me backwards. I turn and see his chest rising and falling, like he just ran a marathon or something.

"You think you can leave me? After all I've done for you? You think you can just LEAVE?!" I shake as he points his knife up infront of his face, almost like threatening me, "I didn't let you in my house just for you to leave. You are so fucking ungrateful, you know that?" I feel my foot hit something, making me fall backwards on my butt. I back up as he slowly takes steps towards me.

"You need to be taught a lesson. Something that will show you to be grateful. To appreciate... what I give you" I see him move the knife in the other direction, so when his hands are at his sides it points backwards, right as my back hits the wall, "you will never disrespect me again... ever" he raises the knife as in trying to stab me, before his body starts to shake and his mouth opens slightly to see his clenched teeth. He starts leaning forward, making me move out of the way.

As he falls, I see someone in the background. I hoped it was Tania, but then I realized that it was a police officer. The next few things are a blur like the officer taking me outside to the ambulance to get checked on, or the bright light being shined in my eyes, or Tania trying to talk to me. But Tania shakes me, making me snap out of my phase.

"Are you okay? What happened?" She asks, concerned. I could see the worry in her face and the, probably, bored face that I have makes me feel lower then before. This just happened, but it feels like it might never end.

"Um... I forgot... It happened to fast" I rub my eyes, suddenly feeling sleepy, "um... I remember giving him his food, then, um, he threw the food and started yelling. The usual happened, but it some how ended up growing quickly. I don't really know how, I forgot" I look down, feeling my eyes droop. Then it hits me, making me snap my head up to look at Tania.

"Where am I going to go? He was my home. He protected me. He... he..." Tania cut me off, not wanting me to have too much anxiety at the moment.

"You're staying with me. You can stay in my room with me, I don't think my roommate would mind, given the circumstances" she holds my hands as I start to feel my eyes droop again.

"Thank you... Tan" I slowly feel the noises fade away as I slip into the darkness.

(A/N: Sup friends, this morning it was like pouring super hard and when I got to school they canceled then they uncanceled it and there was like about only 10 people in each class so free day) (PS: my math teacher is a bitch) ( PPS: i wrote this cause i felt bad for not posting so this was written in like 20 minutes bye)

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