
818 24 10

~He Hits You~

so like please dont read this if you are sensitive to this stuff cause like i love you guys and like it makes me sad to hear that anybody has to go through this so please dont read if you are triggered by this subject.

I cant keep doing this.
I need help.
I need someone.
Please help me.

I sit alone in the corner of the room. I look around at evenything that just happened. I see the shattered glass of our coffee table. I see the little pieces of ripped paper and broken picture frames. I can still hear the slaps echoing in my head. I close my eyes and feel the tear run down my face. Someone help me please.

I hear a knock at the door. No one was supposed to come today; plus its almost 10 PM. Why would anyone be here at this time? I stand up and wipe my tears, so whoever was knocking didnt have to see my tears. I pull down my sleeves, so my bruises didnt show. I open the door a tiny bit and see Tania standing there, looking up at the lamp, but then down towards me when she noticed the door opened.

"Y/N, hey" she smiled. I tried to smile, but I couldnt. The memories were still fresh in my mind.

"Um, Tania. Wha-what are you doing here?" I question, afraid to look in her eyes. I could tell her smile was slowly falling.

"Well, uh, you left this at my house and I thought it was important" she laughed after the word important, but I didnt find anything funny right now. She reached into the pocket of her sweater and pulled out my phone.

"Thank you Tania. Have a good night" I say in a rush. If Y/BF/N saw her, what happened earlier was not the end; not just for me, either. I was about to close the door when Tania stopped the door with her hand.

"Y/N, is there something wrong?" She said looking at my face. She furrowed her eybrows and frowned, "whats on your cheek?" I blinked the tears away and told her I was fine, "please. Just... why dont you come with me?"

"Tania I cant he-"

"Y/N? Whos at the door?"

Cliff(ord) hanger, bitches

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