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~Shes Cheating?~

I sit at home, waiting for Tan to come home. She has recently been hanging out with Jemima. I've known Jem for a couple of years, and then suddenly, they start hanging out; too much, I might add. Ive tried talking to them about it, but they always brush it off like theyre just friends or something; which I dont believe.

"Babe, Im home" She says as she walks over to the living room. I feel the tears pooling in my eyes, but I fight the wanting of letting her see me cry; to let her see what she did to me. She leans in to kiss me, but I lean back to avoid the kiss. She looks confused and asks, "whats wrong?" I shrug and look at my lap fiddling with the strings to my shorts.

"How was your day with Jem?" I ask not taking my eyes off my hands. As much as I tried to fight it, a tear drips down on to my hand. I watch as it slids down my hand dripping onto the couch. I feel her stare on me and I decide to glance at her for a split second, I see that her mouth is a bit open and her eyes moved from my face to my hands.

"Looking its not how you think-" she begins to say, before I cut her off, feeling the anger in me rise.

"Then how is it?" I look up quickly, looking at her face; looking for anything to help me calm down. I think even seeing her cry wouldnt make me less angry. She hestitates before attempting to explain.

"I... I cant tell you, but... just know, that I wouldnt do that, to you" she says looking down at her lap, trying to avoid eye contact. I roll my eyes as a bit more tears slowly find their way down my face onto my hands again. I wipe them away, standing up to walk to the bedroom, "wait, come on." She stands up and walks behind me.

"Come on what, Tan? You just expect me to let you run around behind my back, doing things that you shouldnt be doing when you have a girlfriend? Im not that type of person Tan. And honestly I didnt think you were that person either." I turn around almost shouting at her, then going back to what I was doing before.

"We arent doing that stuff, I swear. I told you, I wouldnt do that to you. Youre worth more than that." She says still following me. I slam the door in her face before she can get in, "come on open the door. I swear to you that I would never, ever, ever, do that. I love you, you know that."

"And how do I know that?"



I went to bed awhile after the conversation and slept for awhile. I woke up and just laid on the bed for awhile. After some time (I was about to use awhile again, but im using it way too much), I felt the bed sink in and I dont turn around knowing that its Tan; I just pretend to sleep. I dont want to argue with her right now.

"Y/N?" I feel her hand gently settle on my hip. I almost flinch, but shift a bit instead, making her hand move away from my body, "you might not trust me, but I swear to you that you have no reason to not trust me. I love you, more than anything" She talks and talks and talks, and I start feeling tears in my eyes and I give up.

"Can you tell me why?" I say, sniffling. I dont move, not wanting to look at her face. I hear her let out a sigh and shift a bit.

"Im not chea-"
"Stop, lying!"

"Im not lying. We-" she pauses and I sit up, looking at my lap, "we were planning your birthday. I wanted it to be a surprise, but seeing you so hurt... I couldnt keep up act" I look at her and shes looking down at the bed.

"Oh god. I feel like a total asshole" I furrow my eyebrows and put my face in my hands. She hugs me, rubbing my back as I cry. She must hate me, thinking that I dont trust her.

"Its okay. I mean, you didnt know. I know how things are babe, its fine. I would have acted the same its fine"

Tania Safi ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang