3: Weecest

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"Sh.. Dean,  no!" Sam tried to push Dean away from his sides; tickling him.
"Hehe don't worry," Dean continues, tickling Sam.
"I'm not worrying, I'm just really ticklish!" Sam says, just as Dean's fingers slip under his shirt, skin to skin. "Dean wai-" Sam inhaled quickly right as Dean's fingers touched him.

Now, somehow.., Dean is on top of Sam and Sam is staring up at Dean. Panting slightly- no, heavily -Dean slowly, but quickly, leans down but hesitates for a moment. Staring deep into Sam's hazel-like eyes, Dean slowly leans in, closing the space that is between them. Sam leans up to meet Dean, kissing his plump lips softly.

Sam let out a small, soft moan and Dean started kissing him deeper, more passionately, still holding onto Sam's sides, moving his hands down to Sam's hips. He digs his fingers into his hips slightly, possibly making bruises. Sam gasps at this and kisses Dean rougher.
"Mm, kinky," Dean says between kisses.
"Ah shut it, you goof," Sam says, chuckling.

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