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Truthfully I feel a tad anxious doing these, as I know the immense amount of judging from even those I consider my acquaintances, and friends. 

As stated; I don't intend on coming off as arrogant. If I happen to, simply inform me. 

But ah, chapter two.

Let's delve into it immediately then.

Prior to discovering who I was, I always questioned whether anyone was similar to me. My parents thought there was something incredibly wrong with me, I had anti-social tendencies, and they've evolved into me being almost entirely introverted, and immensely quiet. I simply have never been engaged in parties, or social events. I was typically that child who was in the corner reading, or skimming over Pokémon cards in the corner of a room whilst you were delving in athletic events or four square if I could help it.

INTJs make up an incredibly small amount of the population, thus I always assumed that there was plainly an issue with me, whether it was a mild birth defect, mental illness or disease, I simply did not fit in.

It's amusing though, because as I mentioned I had many abnormal things still occurring in my life. As I discussed the third grade previously, I was invited to a program called "HAP," which is supposedly for children who think outside of the box, and are in some supposedly "advanced," class. I'm quite sure that I either tossed it in the recycling bin when I arrived home, or my parents dismissed it. I wasn't affected either. People currently use it as a measure of intelligence in my school, yet I never saw it as that. I'm presently in honors or advanced classes, specifically Science, Language Arts, and originally Social Studies but due to complications in my schedule it was removed, I do ask for honors assignments though, which there are basically no differences in Social Studies. I don't consider the advanced classes I'm in "advanced," I consider them to be excessive work, and there is a higher percentage of your teacher not teaching.

It's basically: "Hey you're honors stop doing that! But please keep in mind, Google is your teacher not me. I'm here to provide you a pile of homework that will have you wishing to commit suicide since the amount of time you get sleeping is reduced to two to four hours rather than the healthy amount you're supposed to get!"

These honors classes are far worse due to the God complexes that exist. Far too many pompous children in my generation, an exceptional amount for those in my classes.

I've heard teachers whisper: "This is by far the worst generation I've ever taught. They think they're so great, and superior when the majority of them are failing, or are doing worse than any other year." 

In fact, I've considered this so frequently that I assumed that we, (the eighth graders), would lose in this periodic event in which the principal tallies the amount of individuals that obtained high honor roll, and normal honor roll for the two grades.

I genuinely thought we would lose based upon the overall stupidity of the eighth grade this year. I obtained High Honor Roll, and a surprising amount of the other eighth graders did as well, in which we won. But what irks me about that event is that the individuals who obtained nothing (received C's and B's or lower grades) were the ones taunting the eighth graders, which was the exact same thing which occurred last year as well. 

Moving onward, and returning to the initial discussion. As stated previously, I was the very type of person I resent currently, but certain aspects of me were unable to be adjusted to fit the status quo. In fifth grade, I simply allowed all that I am now to blossom eventually. Which my friends consider relatively bad, as I am apparently not as "fun," but their idealistic definition of "fun," is typically trolling others on Minecraft or partying, few have immensely similar ideals but there are one or two.

Thank you once more for reading, that is it I suppose for now.

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