1: pancakes and auditions

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"ROSIE, time to wake up," My older brother enters my room.

I throw a pillow at his face. "Go away."

"Umma is making breakfast," He adds.

"I'm tired," I whine.

"She's making pancakes," He persists. I ponder on that thought and slowly sit up.

"Get out. I'll be down soon," I yawn, stretching my arms. My brother chuckles and leaves my room.

I glance at the time on my alarm clock.

9:37 AM

Saturdays are nice.

I sigh and slowly leave my warm covers and slip on my house slippers before leaving my room. I walk down the stairs, step by step, slowly waking myself up.

"Ah, Chaeyoung, you're finally awake," My mother smiles as I take my seat at the table.

"Ung," I nod, still half asleep. I hold my head up with my right arm on the table and my chin in my right hand.

My mom soon places a plate of warm pancakes in front of me, drizzled with syrup, and a cup of milk.

"Thanks, mom," I say before picking up my fork and tearing a piece of the pancake off and placing it into my mouth.

"How is it?" My mom turns to me as she continue to make more pancakes.

"Delicious, you always make the best pancakes," I say, taking another bite.

My parents actually own a diner. They started off small and grew into a huge business. Though they are very busy, they still have time to make us breakfast and dinner. They usually switch on and off, if mom is making breakfast, dad is making dinner. And vice versa.

I finish up my breakfast and place my plate and cup in the sink.

"Thanks for the breakfast, mom," I say as I peck my mom on the cheek.

"Oh, it's nothing," She shakes it off. I chuckle and head back upstairs to get ready to go to YG.

I make my way to my bathroom and take out the bun I put in last night before going to sleep. I run my fingers through my red hair. My hair has this amazing talent of not getting tangled, thank goodness for me.

I brush my teeth and wash my face, making sure to take care of my skin properly. I apply my bb cream to my face and tie my hair into a loose pony tail, letting my fringe fall out.

I leave my bathroom and proceed to my closet. I pick put a white short-sleeved hoodie and black shorts and some Adidas superstars, the low top b&w shoes. I put on a black mask that covers my mouth.

I gather up everything that I need for dance and place them into my bag and head downstairs, sunglasses in head, phone in pocket.

"Umma, I'm going to get going now," I walk into the kitchen and pick up an apple.

My brother is pigging out at the table over my mom's pancakes.

"Ung, arraseo. Drive carefully," She says.

"Will do, mom," I nod, picking up my keys from the counter.

"Oppa, you're going to choke. Slow down," I add before leaving. I can feel him shooting me a glare, but I ignore it and proceed to outside.

I hop into my car, place my bag into the passenger's seat and pull out my phone. I connect the Bluetooth to my phone and scroll through my songs. I settle on a song and place my phone in one of the cup holders.









I quietly hum along to the music, bobbing my head to the beat as I drove to the YG building. Since I don't live too far away from the company building, I get there just as the next song is about to play. I turn the car off and take my phone and my bag and get out of the car. As usual, there are loads of fans outside the building, hoping to catch a glimpse of their biases. I go through the back door so that the fans won't rip me apart and make my way to my training room.

Once I get there, I place my things in my little cubby for all my belongings. I walk over to the other dancers and fill up my water bottle.

"So, what's on the agenda today?" I ask Jennie, one my closest friends on the dance team.

"We're supposed to meet Manager Lee soon, something about this special song which 7 girls are needed for," Jennie explains.

I nod and take a quick swig of my water and place down on the ground by the wall.

"So, what should we dance to in the meantime?"


"Jennie, Rose, Manager Lee is here," Another girl, GiRi, says.

I stop the music and follow GiRi to a separate room, Jennie following close behind. We enter the room, where the rest of the trainees have already gathered. Opposite from them is Manager Lee and... iKON?

"Well, it seems like you are all here, so I will begin to explain why I'm here," Manager Lee clears his throat.

"I'll get straight to the point, I need 7 girls that will dance with a specific partner in the song 왜또 during live performances for iKON."

"To decide those 7 girls, we will be having a dance audition, right now," He adds.

I glance at Jennie. How can they suddenly just drop this bomb on us that we have to audition for dancing with iKON? I turn back towards Manager Lee.

"If you could all exit to the practice room number 3, I will send one of the iKON members to come get you one by one to be auditioned."

We all leave to the room he specified us to go to and waited. I sat on the floor with Jennie, stretching my limbs.

A boy entered the room and quickly bowed. I recognized him. It's Jinhwan. "Kim HyeMin for auditions please."

One of the girls hanging by the cubbies walked towards him and followed him out the door.

"This is nerve wrecking," I sigh to Jennie.

She nods. "I feel like I'm going to faint mid-dance."

"Same here," I laugh.

"Oh please, Rose, you're one of the best dancers in this company," She laughs.

"I wouldn't say I'm one of the best, just that I'm highly skilled," I shake my head.

"There's no use in complementing you, you're too modest for your own good," She sighs. I roll my eyes and continue to stretch.


First chapter done! hope you liked it!

- abbie💕

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