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“have you heard of the new reward they put on the wanted posters?” i question, falling onto the couch.

“half a million dollars,” jisoo nods in reply.

“i don't understand why the government doesn't just come after us themselves,” i shake my head.

“they're all a bunch of lazy idiots who want people to do everything for them,” rosé rolls her eyes.

“how does this kingdom even survive?” lisa questions.

"if this kingdom ever goes to war, they'll surely have a hard time," i comment.

"do the princes even do anything? i mean, there's 7 of them."

"of course not, that's why this kingdom to coming down. eventually they'll have to officially take over once king yang hyun suk dies."

"ugh, boys are stupid," i shake my head, standing up and heading to the kitchen.

"i second that," lisa calls out.

i chuckle and open the fridge. empty. i guess I have to go to go grocery again.

"jisoo unnie, come to the market with me," i say, walking back into the living room.

"can't you take rosè or lisa with you? i'm tired," she whines in reply.

"i'll come," rosè offers.

"okay, rosie. you better not mess up the house while we're gone," i say, pulling a sweatshirt over my head. i grabbed a cap and placed it on my head.

rosè grabs her jacket and hat too and we soon leave our small house that we share among the 4 of us. we were a team; a pack. most importantly, sisters. no, not biologically. but we were practically sisters.

i took out a mask from my back pocket and hid my face. pulling up my hood, all you could see was my eyes. rosè followed suit. we were wanted in this town. it was dangerous to go out without a disguise.

we reached the grocery store and i had made my way over to the vegetable aisle. i started grabbed all the vegetables we usually get when i saw rosè slipping away from me.

"park chaeyoung!" i said in a hushed whisper.

she turned around and i gestured her back. she bowed her head and walked back to me.

"you have to stay near me all the time! it's dangerous going off by yourself, especially with our situation," i scolded.

"arraseo, unnie."

i continued adding fruits and veggies to my cart when i had accidently rammed my cart into another, causing somethings to spill out of the other cart.

"i'm so sorry," i apologized, bending down to pick up the spilled items.

"don't sweat it," i heard a masculine voice say and saw hands picking things up as well.

i kept my head low when we stood back up, but noticed he had a mask on as well. i quickly bowed and apologized one more. he just thanked me with his eyes and pushed past to continue shopping.

"what was that about, unnie?"

"what?" i turned to rosè, who had a little smirk on her face.

"it seemed you guys had some, how do i put this, connection," she explains. "and you were definitely checking him out."

i roll my eyes. "i was not! i just simply helped him after causing him to spill his groceries."

"sure, unnie, you tell yourself that," rosè teases.

"aish, jinjja park chaeyoung," i grumbled, continuing down the isle.


sorry for the short chapter! i just wanted to get something out since the prologue was pretty short. hope you enjoyed!

- abbie💕

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