Mari's P.O.V.

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"You're unbelievable..." Kunikida grumbled under his breath, watching both Atsushi and Luca gobble down what seemed to be their hundredth bowl of tea on rice. "Who goes 'wow, that's a nice river' and jumps straight into it in the middle of a job?!"

"Dazai does, apparently..." I replied bluntly as I yawned into my hand, resting my head onto my palm afterwards.

"Ugh, because of him, my schedule is completely off!" The enraged man barked, continuing to complain on and on about his 'ideals'.

"You sure do complain a lot, Kunikida..." Dazai mumbled boredly, "You complain more than Mari when I wake her up from her daily nap, and I thought that was impossible!"

"Well, to be fair, I only intend to kill you rather than complain about being woken up." I added in unhelpfully. "I only start complaining if I actually have to stay awake and do something."

"But that's almost ninety percent of the time." Dazai argued back, "The other ten percent is just me try to annoy you, but I'm smart enough not to do that anymore or you'll seriously kill me one day."

"Damn straight." I huffed out, flicking my bangs out of my eyes. "Anyways, we haven't made much progress on our mission today, have we?"

"No, obviously not." Kunikida growled out as he pointed his finger at Dazai. "And it's all because of that idiot. Because of his useless suicide attempts, we're getting absolutely nowhere!"

"Yeah, I'll have to agree with you on that." I let out as I stretched my arms out and rested them behind my head. "Can you maybe tone your suicides a bit? I just want to get this case over and done with already..."

"Sorry, no can do! Time and tide don't wait for man and suicide is just the same!" He sang out in a happy tone, making both Kunikida and I groan with annoyance.

"Mission?" Atsushi suddenly piped up, making the three of us turn towards him and Luca. "You three are on a mission? What kind?"

"Oh, we're just working on a case that involves the military, nothing much." I responded back casually, another yawn escaping my mouth. "Ah... I really want to go to sleep now..."

"You're working with the military?" Atsushi questioned, bewildered. "What is your line of work, exactly?"

"We're just private investigators." Dazai spoke up with a calm expression, resting his head on his crossed fingers.

"I'm not sure if you've heard about us, but we're apart of the Arms Detective Agency." I added in, "An organization that works with individuals who possess supernatural abilities. So? How about it? Have you heard of us?" I saw Atsushi's and Luca's eyes widen as they were slightly taken back from my words. A smile appeared on my face, "Hmm... Seeing from your reaction, I'm sure you two know us, or at least heard stories."

"I've heard a myth about a member of that organization taking down a group of robbers all by themselves with a single zap of electricity...!" Atsushi began, "Is that really true?!"

"Oh! Yeah, it is! That was me!" I exclaimed happily, raising my hand up high in the air. "I'm so happy that I'm famous! My fighting skills are getting recognition!"

Dazai scoffed, "Fighting skills? More like demonic acts of violence..."

"Hey. What goes around, comes around. They got in my way, so I disposed of them." I simply replied, letting my hand back down to my side.

"If you don't mind me asking, what is your mission specifically? Is it something important?" Atsushi asked, putting down his chopsticks.

"We're looking for a tiger and a so-called 'witch of black magic' on the behalf of the military." Kunikida answered smoothly.

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