Luca's P.O.V

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A/N: The picture above is what Luca's poison can do to others. - Luc ✨♥️


"Ughh...I feel like I'm dying.." I mutter to myself as my stomach growled for the umpteenth time today. I rolled over onto my stomach, laying my head down on my arms. I stared at the water passing by me, I think I even saw a pair of legs sticking out of the water...Yup, I'm hallucinating now. My eyes start to close as my hunger slowly starts killing me from the inside out. "Well, this is it, the orphanage was right, I was gonna die in a ditch somewhere," I say with a small laugh. I end up closing my eyes and letting myself drift off into my mind.

"Hmm, I wonder if I can mentally feed myself with imaginary food." I think to myself as the growling became louder and more erratic. "Ugh, shut up stomach, trying to die peacefully here.." I laugh to myself and shake my head. I hear some person far away screaming a name, ew no dirty thoughts, please... Sheesh, I need to stop being a pervert. I sighed in frustration as my stomach wouldn't shut up and pulled my legs up to my chest. Not even 10 seconds after, I feel something underneath me than a large weight suddenly crashed on top of me.

"Oh no. Death by a heavy weight..." Thankfully the weight didn't completely crash down on me. I sighed in relief and opened my purple eyes only to see a flash of a red coat in front of me. "What the hell?" I groan as I slowly lift my head up to look at the person or thing. The person in front of me jumped away as I stared at it with dead purple eyes. "Gee, thanks for calling me a dying dog," I say as I pick myself up from the ground.

I dusted off my torn dress and pushed my unnaturally, bright green hair from my face. The person asked me what I was doing down here and that only loser comes to the river bank. "Oh, me? Oh you know, the usual. Fulfilling the wishes of the orphanage and dying in a ditch." I say with a smile on my face, my fingers fiddling with the collar of my dress.

"Just kidding. I don't know what I'm doing anymore. But I am looking for free food. I'm half starved right now." I say honestly as my stomach grumbles again. "Ahh.. stupid stomach.." I mutter to myself. The person in front of me turned back towards me since she looked away during my first sentence. I look up at her with my wide eyes as she pulls out a baggie of bacon, not before accidentally taking out all her weapons trying to look for it. "Wow, really? Thank you so much, lady!" I say as I catch the bag of bacon. The woman said I could have some! I nearly melted into a puddle of happiness as I opened it and smelled the aroma of the bacon. I quickly pull out a piece of bacon and shove it into my mouth.

"Dish ish sho good!" I say with my mouth full and drool coming out of the corner of my lip. I shoved another piece of bacon before trying handing the baggie back to the woman. The woman laughed and handed me a napkin to clean up my drool. I clean my mouth and fingers with the tissue while I finished chewing. The nice lady said something else but I didn't catch on as I was too busy eating bacon. My stomach thanking me for the delicious meal. I look up at her and realized she was leaving to find someone.

"Wait!" I shout and grab onto her coat. "Wait, please. Take me with you! Please!" I begged with tears forming in my eyes. My fingers clenching around the scarlet fabric, not wanting to let go. "I really don't want to die!" I say shaking my head "I...please. I have no one.." My eyes closing tightly as my shoulders shook trying to hold back my cries. My arms wrapping around her waist as I cried into her coat. I heard the woman saying she would take me in which made me extremely happy that I started to cry from happiness. Wow, I'm such a female.. "Thank you so much!! You won't regret taking me in" I swore to her while letting go of her. I stood up on shaky legs and wiped my tears away, my nose sniffling.

She warned me about the place she works at making me laugh a little, "It's fine. I'll survive. Thank you once again for taking me in. I'll be fine hopping onto the killing train." I reply to her as she continues to ramble on about a suicidal maniac which kinda reminded me of the pair of legs floating down the river. "Uh..excuse me? I think I might've seen him going down the river. Well, I saw a pair of legs sticking out of the water so. That might be him." I explain to her while scratching my head. I pointed down the river where I last the pair of legs.

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