I'm your rope and you're my anchor

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Seriously guys, two updates in one week, I'm on a writing trip. This oneshot is shorter than the last ones and has a lot of fluff. I really don't know where that comes from.

Oh I dedicate this Oneshot to AllTheLittleMoments because her wonderful comment made me smile and gave me some reassurance to write some more. Thank you again and I hope you like this Oneshot :)

Thanks for reading, feedback would be very very nice.


I'm your rope and you're my anchor

„I'm back!" Louis shouts when he steps into his andHarry's giant hotel room in LA.

Finally they have a short break between Christmas and the next rehearsals for the 'Where We Are' Tour and everyone is just happy to relax a bit, doing nothing that is too stressful and to recover from the past year.

It's not that the boys don't like touring and being on the road, but after two years of not having a proper break, their bodies are tired. But still, management is always having an eye on the boys, especially on Harry's and Louis' relationship. That they are even allowed to be together when the other boys are not around is absolutely surprising, so they didn't really complain that much when management told them the rules of not being seen together when they are on this short trip together.

Louis takes a few steps further into the room and drops his small bag with his wet towel and wet swimming trunks on the floor next to their king-sized bed. "Hey baby, what are you looking at?" He asks Harry and joins him on the bed, where the younger boy is lying on his stomach, feet swaying in the air. He gives him a short peck on the cheek and rests his chin on Harry's shoulder, looking at the magazine he's reading in.

"A tattoo magazine? Don't tell me you want another one." Louis blurts out.

"Why not?"

"You have so many already."

Harry rises up his eyebrows, eying him from the side, "says the one, who got like 30 in the past 8 months."

"But mine are mostly small, like dribbles or small sketches. Yours are huge."

"They're not the only things that are big on me." He wriggles his eyebrows, trying to sound sexy.

"Harry, I'm trying to be serious." Louis whines and drops his head on the white blanket, causing his words to come out muffled. After a short silence, only hearing Harry turning the pages of the magazine, he lifts up his head again and rolls on his side, facing Harry. "It's just, you sometimes say that you regret some of your tattoos. It doesn't make sense if you get more and more and don't even like them. Don't cover up your skin with motives you'll regret later."

Harry sighs deeply but eventually opens his mouth to give Louis an answer. "I only don't really like the tattoos that don't mean as much to me, as others do. And I know, the new one will mean a lot to me, I just don't know what motive could tell the things I have in my mind."

Louis trails his eyes over Harry's naked upper body, chewing on his lower lip, deeply in thought. He lifts up one hand and moves his fingertips softly over the tattooed ship on Harry's left upper arm.

Harry looked down, following Louis movements with his eyes. "I love the ship" he points out and Louis slightly blushed at the fondness and sincerity in Harry's voice.

He starts moving his fingers up towards Harry's collarbones, post-painting the lines of the two lovebirds. "I love the birds" Harry mumbles, barely audible, but still he puts a small smile on Louis' face.

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