Nothing more than happiness

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A new Oneshot is up!!! Hell yeah! Uhm I made myself cry because I'm always overly emotional and yeah. I hope you'll like it!

Thanks for reading and enjoy it :)


Nothing more than happiness

Louis wakes up by hearing some whimpers and little cries. The complete darkness and silence coming from outside reminds him that it is in the middle of the night. There is another small shout from a different room and the heavy tiredness is almost gone.

He gently wriggles himself out of the bed sheets, not wanting to wake Harry who was still sleeping peacefully, momentarily living in the world of dreams.

When he feels Louis moving and shifting he tightens his strong but gentle grip around Louis' tummy. Louis will never know why Harry loves his tummy so much, but Harry always falls asleep with one arm around Louis so he can spread out his whole hand over his soft stomach.

Louis always hated his stomach, he always thought it was too fat, too soft and too obvious that he didn't have a flat stomach with a perfect sixpack. So he dieted a lot, ate just healthy food and made a professional workout only for his tummy. He became literally obsessed with working out until he almost collapsed and that was when Harry begged him to stop and pointed out every single thing he loved on Louis and that he didn't have to change a thing.

But Louis didn't believe him, he couldn't because he wasn't really fond of himself. So Harry wrote him a letter with all the reasons he loved him. And whenever Louis felt bad again, Harry took the letter out of the drawer and read it out loud, so that Louis got a reminder why he was the perfect human being in Harry's eyes. Sadly but true, Harry had to read this letter a lot more than he wanted to, but it cheered Louis up, so he would have done it a million times more.

He read it so often, until he realised that Louis spoke along the exact words, which were written in this letter. He knew exactly what was written down but he just needed someone telling him these words over and over again.

And even in times Louis got bad thoughts again and Harry wasn't around, he either read the letter by himself or repeated the words over and over again in his head.

"Dear Louis,

Whenever you feel down please remember that there are people out there who love you for who you are and accept you in every single way.

You don't have any reasons to doubt yourself because you are absolutely perfect without any flaws.

It's the way you shine brighter than anybody else. You step into a room full of people and you immediately get everyone's attention because of the fact that you are absolutely stunning und unbelievably gorgeous from head to toe.

Starting with your light brown coloured hair on the top of your head and the way it sometimes falls in your eyes when you wear it in a fringe, but also styled up in a quiff that it looks like there is another mix of different colours in it.

The colour of your hair matches perfectly with your soft and clear skin, just slightly tanned that you don't look too pale but it's not in an unrealistic tan for someone with his roots in the UK. It always looks like the sun just barely kissed your skin, but it really is enough for you to shine like the sun itself.

Then there are your eyes, sometimes so clear and blue like the ocean and sometimes with a hint of green around your pupils that they look like the wide world. But all the time everyone drowns in them, not able to look away from this beauty, whenever you catch their gazes.

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