Chapter 7

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Platform nine and three-quarters was bustling with people as usual on September first. Draco and Regina entered the platform with their parents, and said goodbye to them before boarding the train.

"Are you sitting with the Slytherins or are you going to find your friends?" Draco asked as they walked through the train.

"I think I'll go find my friends if that's alright. I haven't seen them since the World Cup, I just want to make sure they're all okay," Regina said as they reached the area of the train which the Slytherins had long ago claimed as theirs.

Draco nodded and sat down with Blaise.

"Alright, see you when we get to school."

Regina waved to Draco and Blaise, then turned around and made her way back up the train.

Looking in all the compartments, she finally found one with a familiar face. Two familiar faces, actually.

"Fred, George, hello," she said, standing in the doorway. The twins turned and grinned at her.

"Hey Gina," they said simultaneously.

"You wouldn't happen to know where Harry, Ron, and Hermione are, would you?"

"Oh yeah-" Fred started.

"They're further up-" George continued.

"The train-" Fred again.

"From us." They both finished.

"Okay, thanks guys!" Regina smiled, backing out of the doorway and continuing through the train.

Sure enough, she found the trio in a compartment further up the train.

Hermione saw her before Harry or Ron did, and waved pleasantly.

"Hello Regina!" she said, catching the boys' attention. They looked over and waved.

"Hello Hermione, Ron, Harry. I uh, just wanted to say hi. I haven't seen you three since the World Cup, and I wanted to make sure you were all okay after that," Regina said, shifting on her feet in the doorway.

"Yeah, we're alright. Harry gave us a scare, but it all turned out," Ron answered. Hermione nodded while Harry smiled sheepishly.

"Do you want to come in? You can sit with us, if you like. Unless you were wanting to sit with your brother or other friends, I mean," Harry rambled.

Regina laughed lightly and shook her head.

"No, I was going to ask if I could sit in here," she said, entering the compartment. Hermione scooted over on the seat and Regina sat down, picking up a slip of paper that Hermione forgot to move.

"Is this your bookmark?" she asked, looking at the book that was open on Hermione's lap.

"Oh! Yes it is, thank you," Hermione replied, taking the paper and putting it in the back of the book.

After that, Hermione went back to reading, and Ron, Harry, and Regina started up a conversation about Quidditch.

"I think he's a good seeker!"

"That's 'cause he's your brother."

"Not only because he's my brother, I've seen him in practice. He's good."

"Funny, he never seems to win against Harry."

"Harry's got a Firebolt! Plus he made the Gryffindor team in his first year."

"Exactly. He's better than Malfoy."

"Okay yes, but Slytherin always wins against the other houses."

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