Chapter 5

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*3rd Person POV*
Regina stirred in her sleep as her owl hooted indignantly at the intruder of her owner's room. The bird stood on her perch by the window, squawking loudly in protest, but reluctantly silenced when she was quietly consoled by the low voice of the man in question.

The man then breathed a quiet sigh of relief as he looked over and saw that Regina was still asleep. Stepping silently over to her bedside, the man pulled out a piece of parchment and set it down on the girl's bedside table.

He turned to leave, but stopped and looked back down at the girl sleeping before him. For a brief moment, he let the mask slip away. He'd missed so much of her life already, and now that she was back, he, among others, never wanted to let her go. In a strange, roundabout way, she reminded him of the woman he loved. Though she bore no physical resemblance, nor shared any relation with her, he couldn't help but be reminded of her, whenever he saw Regina with her friends.

Stepping closer to the bed, he unthinkingly allowed his hand to reach out and gently brush back a lock of hair from her face.

It was only when the girl began to stir again that he quickly fled the room, only allowing the groggy girl to see a whirl of black robes before the door closed quietly.

Regina blinked slowly as the door closed, not yet awake enough to register what had happened. However, all traces of lethargy were quickly dispelled when she saw the parchment on her bedside table.

Picking it up, she hurriedly read the words written in the same emerald ink as the last one.

Stay close by your
brother tonight at
the World Cup
Something is going
to happen and I
don't want you harmed.

'What was going to happen tonight? It must be something dangerous, but what?'
'Stay close to Draco? Draco! Maybe he knows something! He could help me figure out who this is from!'

With those thoughts running through her mind, Regina quickly threw on some clothes and grabbed both the notes she'd received and took off to find Draco.

Turns out, she didn't need to look far. Draco was just coming out of his own room and therefore fell victim to his sister's haste as she barreled straight into him (in a very un-Malfoy way, he might add), sending them both tumbling down the hallway in a flurry of robes, blonde hair, parchment, and various noises of protest, until they came to a stop by way of Draco's back hitting the wall.

"Ow..." Draco groaned as Regina looked at him apologetically.

"Sorry Draco..." she said sheepishly.

"What in Merlin's name were you doing Regina?" Draco asked as he stood, helping Regina to her feet as well.

"Oh, I was looking for you actually. Sorry about that."

Draco gave his sister a look that said 'kill me now' and leaned against the wall.

"Well," he sighed, abandoning his Malfoy dignity to run a hand down his face in exasperation, "you found me. What did you need?"

Regina opened her mouth to speak, then stopped and held a hand up.

"Hold on a minute."

She peeked around the corner and, after seeing that no one was there, turned back to face Draco.

"Okay, I need your help with something," she finally said.

Draco merely raised an eyebrow in a silent reply.

Regina looked around again, before showing Draco the two pieces of parchment.

Draco flicked his eyes down to them, and, seeing nothing odd about them (they were face down, so all he saw was the blank back), looked back up at Regina.

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