Chapter 2

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 Bee: I'm coming over

Bee: And I'm bringing coffee


She places her phone back into her pocket and collects the coffee she ordered to go for Yoongi and Namjoon. As their close friend, she already knows how their work schedule goes and on her free days she would always come over with coffee and a little bit of emotional support. After a five minute walk from the coffee shop, Bee finally arrives at their studio and enters the building.

"Morning!" she greets them as soon as she opens the door and sees Yoongi already asleep on their sofa. Namjoon turns in his swivel chair, hair disheveled and his face a mess.

"Rough night huh?" she asks as she hands Namjoon his coffee. Instead of saying thanks he nods in appreciation and takes a sip.

"You don't look so good yourself." He looks up at Bee and notices her eye bags, evidence of late night crying. Bee side eyes the guy but he's not very intimidated. They were both evidently tired so their banter could wait another time.

"We're almost done." He tells her and they both take a glance at sleeping Yoongi. He only ever sleeps when the work is finished or almost finished so that's probably a good sign.

"I can tell." Bee says.

"You can just place the coffee on the table. He'll have it as soon as he wakes up."

"Namjoon hyung." A voice comes through the door and they turn to see Jimin just enter with more coffee in his hands.

"Ah I forgot to tell you Bee was coming" Namjoon rubs his tired face with his palms. "Welp, the more the coffee the better."

"Bee. Hey" Jimin smiles and her heart flutters as much as it aches. "Did you read my messages from last night?"

Bee is stood their frozen, clueless on how to answer this especially in front of Namjoon. She can feel the stare of the said man boring through the back of her head right now.

"Do you want to have breakfast with me?" She hears him ask and turns back to face him.

"I-I have some work to do, I can't really-" she tries to make up an excuse hoping that somehow Namjoon could help her out of this mess. But of course, Namjoon was the first person who wanted them to be together in the first place, so naturally he doesn't do much to help her out of her crisis.

"I'm leaving for some light stretching" Namjoon excuses himself and secretly glances at Bee, giving her a 'go' signal before he leaves the room to them, and the sleeping Yoongi.

"Maybe next time, Jimin." She smiled but her heart sank as soon as she saw the rejection in his eyes. Before she could leave, he grabs her wrist and holds her in place. He doesn't pull her or force her, but the look in his eyes shows his concern for her.

"A-Are you really sure you're ok?" He asks. Bee looks into his eyes and bites her lips trying her best not to break down in front of him. She failed to answer and pulled away from his grip before leaving the room, leaving behind a genuinely confused Jimin.

"If you only knew" Jimin hears Yoongi say, so he turns to hear more but Yoongi has turned his sleeping position the other way, a sign that he does not want to be disturbed any further.

Namjoon breaths in deeply and lets out a loud sigh. He grunts as he bends his body to the left and then to the right and when he pulls a tight muscle, he lets out a satisfied moan. Unfortunately for him, his light stretching session was cut short when Bee bumped into his back and then continued to storm off without saying anything to him.

"Hey Bee! Come back!" He runs after her. She wasn't going too fast so he ran past her and stopped her in her tracks.

"M-Move Namjoon" she wipes her tears with her sleeves and tries to push Namjoon away, but Namjoon refused to budge and held onto her shoulders so that she wouldn't try to run away.

"What's wrong? Did Jimin do something to you?" he asks and helps her wipe her tears with his own sleeves. Bee sniffs and shakes her head. It was definitely nothing like that.

"I don't think I should come over anymore." She sobs some more, failing to contain her tears, "I don't want to hurt anymore, so I should just stay away."

Namjoon immediately pulls her closer and wraps his arms around her. He knows how sensitive Bee is despite how she's always putting on a strong front, so he strokes her hair and squeezes her tightly to calm her down.

"No, don't say that. I wouldn't want you to stop coming over and the rest of us as well." He comforts her. Bee was his long time best friend, so how could he let her suddenly just disappear from their lives.

"But he loves someone else. I couldn't bear to be that one person unhappy for him when he's already happy with the person he likes." Bee mumbles in his chest, Namjoon barely making out the words. Bee pulls away from Namjoon and wipes away the snot and tears messing up her face.

"I need to go. I can't be here." She says but Namjoon already has a hold on her before she decides to escape again.

"I promised I wouldn't let you walk home alone again, didn't I?"

Bee sighs knowing that Namjoon would only just insist and he wouldn't let her go home alone this time. "Fine." She mutters under her breath, deafeated. Namjoon casually puts his arm around her shoulders and they both walk towards the closest bus stop.

Jimin however, had seen everything as soon as he walked out of the building. He had wanted to call out to them but changed his mind when he saw Namjoon pull her into his arms. Unconsciously, his fists tightened and his teeth clenched. It hurt him the most when in the back of his mind, he clearly remembers Bee telling him that she had nothing going on with Namjoon.


He already had a girlfriend and he knew that he should stay committed but why was he even feeling this way?

"Jimin ah!" He hears a faint voice from behind him and he sees a gleaming face smiling right up at him.

"Oh, Hyomin. It's you." Surprised by the sudden appearance when she clearly had said that she would meet him up at their studio. He glances behind his shoulder one last time and to see Namjoon and Bee gone in the distance.

"What is it Jimin?" She asks as she looks into the direction he was staring at. "Are you waiting for someone?" Jimin shakes his head and smiles down at his girlfriend. "Well then, what are we waiting for?" She says as she grabs his hands and pulls him the opposite way; Jimin for the last time checks over his shoulder and his heart starts to sting, wishing for the person to hold on to Bee was him instead.

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