Chapter Five: Homecoming Part 1

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Hello again guys! I'm really excited for this Chapter and the next! This is about Homecoming of course. I've been waiting for this Chapter for awhile! Eeep! :)

This chapter will be much longer than last Chapter. This Chapter will reveal how Finnick and Gale asked Johanna and Annie to Homecoming. This Chapter will talk more about the Peeta, Glimmer and Katniss situation.

This Chapter will have all the Careers in it again. They're going dress shopping and then of course more to the end of the Chapter is Homecoming!!!

Anyway, Enjoy Chapter 5! :)


*Katniss' POV*

Tomorrow is finally Homecoming. I'm forced to go without a date. I'm forced to go to the stupid dance period.

After Peeta told all of us that he was going to Homecoming with Glimmer, I really didn't feel like going anymore. It's not like I expected him to ask me, I was just hoping he would.

Which is weird. I can't help the fact that I'm so jealous of Glimmer right now. I'm seriously not the jealous type. I never was.

Even Gale has noticed my jealousy. He already knows I never get jealous. Johanna and Annie are officially convinced that I like Peeta.

I'm starting to think that they're right. Maybe I do like him. It would explain all the butterflies, how much I think about him and all the jealousy.

I won't admit to anyone that I do actually kinda of like him. Peeta doesn't even like me so what's the point in developing a liking towards him?

He'll only see me as friend since he's in a way, kind of dating Glimmer. I'm really happy for him though.

No you're not.

Oh who am I to argue with my conscience about this. I'm seriously not happy for him. He's going with Glimmer for goodness sakes! Why would I be happy for that?

It's Glimmer! Why would Peeta go with her? Just thinking about the both of them sickens me. I never actually found anything that would of made him go with her.

He really seems to want to get to know her. I could never get in the way of that. Afterall, Peeta chose her. I can't control his decisions.

I sigh as I slip on a tight black glittery dress that stops at mid thigh. I walk out and look at myself in the mirror. This dress looks absolutely amazing on me.

I smile and Annie walks out in a tight deep red dress that stops at mid thigh. She looks at me and smiles. "You look absolutely amazing!" She says to me, squealing afterwards.

I smile and say,"Thank you. You look amazing as well. The color fits you." She smiles and says,"Thank you."

Johanna walks out wearing a tight navy blue dress that stops at mid thigh. "You look awesome Jo!" Annie says to her. She smiles and says,"Thanks."

We go back into our stalls and change into our regular clothes. Today is Friday, which means another sleepover. This time it's at my house.

We pay for our dresses and head towards the food court. We sit down at a table and place our bags on the table. I take out my phone and check the time.

It's a quarter til 5. I put my phone on the table and look at Annie and Johanna. "You guys never told me how the guys asked you to Homecoming."

Annie smiles and says,"It was so romantic and thoughtful! Here's how he did it."

"Finnick where are you taking me?" Annie asks him laughing lightly. Finnick smiles and says," My Annie, you'll see when we get there."

She smiles and they continue walking until they both reach a small building. It looks dirty and abandoned.

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