We do not appreciate your tone.

"Okay, you don't have the right to talk to me like that. You aren't my mother. In case you've forgotten, you killed her."

We ashed Cara's mother, not yours. It was necessary.

"What happened to Cara is me and I am Cara? I suppose that doesn't count when it comes to taking away my loved ones."


"Don't 'Elise' me. You know better than anyone what happens whe--" I cut myself off when the door opens, quickly grabbing Cara's phone and pressing it to my ear like I'm on a phone call.

"Is everything okay in here?" MJ asks, looking at me with confusion and concern. I nod. "Who's Elise?" I raise an eyebrow and pretend to hang up the phone.

"Who?" I ask, feigning confusion.

"You just said not to Elise you." She says. Oh crud. Think fast.

"Uh, no, I didn't say that." I laugh nervously. "I said, um..." Dammit. "I said don't release me. It's these annoying people from the video rental place, saying I haven't paid for my subscription since the accident."

"Oh. Well Ben just got back with food. He says we're gonna watch a movie." MJ tells me. I nod and she leaves.

You are smart. You are suitable.

"Shut up." I roll my eyes, then drop the phone onto the desk and head out to the living room.

"Um, I have to go to work early tomorrow, so I'll head to bed in about an hour." Ben says as soon as I join them in the living room. He won't look at me, and I try not to let it get to me.

This is Cara's brother, not mine, so why does this hurt? I don't even get along with my Ben, which makes this sort of familiar. So why does him avoiding my eyes make me feel this way?

You are Cara and Cara is you.

For once, maybe the light figure has a point. I have some of Cara's memories, and Ben looks enough like my brother for his nice behaviour of late to affect me, so I guess in a way it's okay for me to be upset about this kind of thing.

"You coming Cara?" MJ asks, looking at me with the over-analysing eyes of a nurse. I'm about to nod when I look at the pair of them sitting on the couch and realise that I won't be joining them. Because I'm stuck in a wheelchair. Because I'm paralysed.

"I'll just, um, I'll just eat in my room." I say quietly. They both give me these super pitiful looks and I can feel the corners of my mouth starting to turn down as an uncontrollable quiver takes over my features. Tears start to well up in my eyes but I hold them back as MJ hands me a box of noodles.

"Want a hand?" She asks quietly. I shake my head and offer her a tiny smile, then wheel myself and my food back to my room. I close the door behind myself and sigh; I would give almost anything to go back to how things were.

You are sad.

I don't bother replying, trying my best to ignore Robin as I wheel over to the desk again. I push the chair away from it with a little too much force, knocking it over in the process. I don't care.

Reality Check   : :   Barry Allen/The FlashDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora