2: Stranded Pictures and Naps

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The previous chapter had some last minute changes so I apologize for any confusion that that may have caused.
And I'm so sorry this took so long. We had exams sooo 'twas a bit busy...
Anyway, other than that there's nothing else to inform you of.
Please continue reading my crappy story. Thanks!
I appreciate votes and some comments here and there.
Just saying...

A soporific voice droned throughout the four corners of drab walls Tia called her classroom.
She was glad classes started at nine although that also meant--well it didn't mean anything negative or troublesome, she just wanted to stay at home a bit longer.

She blew at a strand of hair that was across her face. Mom is gonna wait for me today. I won't have to commute.

"Thinking about going home this early?"

V chirped right in front of her. "It's only around ten o'clock. Is it really that boring being around me for more or less ten hours in one day?"

Tia grinned. "As a matter of fact, yes it is."

V stuck her tongue out at her as she took her seat just as second period was about to start.

Tia groaned when she heard the familiar crackling of the twenty year-old something intercom.

"There will be a general assembly in the gymnasium at 1 o'clock. Attendance is a must because--"

The voice was suddenly cut off and replace by a minute of silence.

Then a deep booming voice echoed through the room. "Tatiana Austere Debonair needs to be in the Students Affair Office within an hour after classes or else there will be serious consequences."

Tia had a growing suspicion to whom the throaty voice belonged to. But it can't be. Can it? We've already talked about it...

All throughout the remainder of the day, Tia seemed to be distracted and there was a dreamy look on her face.

These were V's words however and Tia would have argued that her thoughts were anything but dreamy.

"The sine of the sum of an angle and an integer multiple of 2π is equal to the sine of the angle--"

A small bonk was heard at the back of the class and would have gone unnoticed if not for the fact that it was eerily quiet because the majority were answering a couple math equations dictated earlier by their instructor.

"Miss Debonair, as it seems you find my class so boring that dozing off has become an option; I'd like you to come up right here and solve the first equation for the benefit of your classmates that didn't have the audacity to sleep in my class."

Quite admittedly, Tia had slept in some of her classes before. Well, maybe a lot of them. But this was the first time that she had been embarrassed and reprimanded without prevarication.

Like a deer caught in the headlights, she bowed her head as her voice came out audible enough for her teacher and a few students to hear.

"I'm sorry, Sir. I can't provide the answer to the equation."

"And why is that?"

"Because I fell asleep during your discussion."

Their professor's stern look softened a bit as he tried to study her face since she hadn't lifted her head, apparently still affected by her unruly behavior and its consequences.

"I'll see you after class, Miss Debonair. Don't repeat your mistake."


After a few headaches, mathematics as being the cause, and a few looks exchanged from V, the class was finally over.

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