"That sounds amazing sweetheart. If you still need me to watch Kali so that you can have a night to yourself, just let me know. Love you," Heather said as she kissed her cheek before catching up to her husband. Demi kept walking but turned her head and saw Odell surrounded by all of his friends...who used to be her friends too. But having a baby had changed a lot of things.

*four months later*

"What about this?" Tinsley held up the black pair of Michael Kors jeans to match the silky blue Calvin Klein shirt that she had picked off of the sales rack at Bloomingdale's. She had accompanied Demi to the mall after realizing that Odell's signing event for the NFL was tomorrow and Demi still had nothing to wear.

"Odell will freak if I wear jeans," Demi said as she rhythmically rocked her seven month old daughter in her arms. It was nap time and the last thing she wanted to deal with while in a mall full of people was a cranky baby.

"Okay, what about this?" Tinsley switched the jeans for a dress but Demi shook her head again.

"It'll be too tight on me and he'll say it's too bright. I just want something simple, Tins. I want to look good but I don't want to stand out. Tomorrow is about him," Demi explained as they moved through the store.

"Just like every other day," Tinsley mumbled, but she knew Demi didn't hear her.

As Demi was coaxing Kali's pacifier into her mouth, she spotted a red dress on one of the mannequins and instantly fell in love with it. It was perfect for her and definitely her style. Plus, when the Giants weren't wearing blue and white, they were wearing red and white. And she had the perfect white blazer to go with it.

"Oh my god, Demi, that would look perfect on you!" Tinsley squealed as she spotted the red dress and instantly went to find her size on the rack.

"And they have it in a six. You have to get this, Demi. It'll look perfect on you!" Tinsley exclaimed as Demi chewed down on her bottom lip.

"But Odell will think that-"

"Fuck Odell! God, he told you to pick something out to wear that you liked. Demi, come on, you haven't properly dressed up since you had Kali. Live a little!" Tinsley said as she held the dress up in front of her face. "Come on, Demi. This is the last six on the rack. It's basically meant to be."

"I'm not supposed to stand out Tinsley. This is about-"

"Okay, what about this? If Odell seriously has a stick up his ass about the red dress, you can wear this. You can wear black Louboutins with your hair down. It's simple, sophisticated, and no one will be paying attention to you," Tinsley said, holding up a white collared dress that was on the rack next to the red dress. Demi nodded and they finally went to check out as she adjusted Kali on her hip. She couldn't wait until she made it back home.

"I'm gonna order some food to the house. And don't say you're not hungry because I haven't seen you eat and I've been with you all day," Tinsley said as she took Kali out of Demi's arms so that she could pay for her dress. Demi took Odell's shiny new black card out of her wallet, ignoring the total on the screen so that she wouldn't talk herself out of buying it, before swiping the card. The cashier smiled at her, wrapped her dresses up, and then they were walking out of the store back to Tinsley's car.

"Why do you act like my mother instead of my best friend?" Demi whined as she slipped into the passenger seat.

"Because your mother is a frigid bitch who hasn't talked to you in five years?" Tinsley responded after buckling Kali in. Demi didn't say anything else as they drove back to their new house.

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