"That's Odell Beckham Junior. He's here on a football scholarship. He was one of the first players that they scouted out...and he's a total hottie," Tinsley, Demi was sure that was her name, said with a wide smile on her face. Demi raised her eyebrow but didn't say anything. She wasn't here for boys, especially not athletes. Athletes were a completely different spieces of men and she didn't have time for their egos or their games.

The game lasted way longer than Demi expected it to. They left the dorm when the sun was still high in the sky and by the time the scrimmage was over, it was completely dark outside.

"Let's go say hi to the guys since we'll be cheering for them," Ariel suggested. They all stood up and walked down to the field where the boys were all standing around after their win. But as soon as they saw all the girls walking towards them in their sports bras and spandex, they were immediately paying attention.

"Great game," Ariel boldly said, directing her attention to Odell. "It'll definitely be easy cheering for you guys if you play like that at every game."

Demi chuckled and stepped back a little bit while all of the girls basically huddled around the guys and began to talk to them. She read through her emails, looked through her Instagram, and texted her best friend back while waiting for their little interaction to be over. They had practice at 6am tomorrow and Demi would not be yelled at for being late.

"Hey," Demi looked up from her phone in surprise as she saw Odell standing in front of her and smiling down at her.

"Uh, hi," she said then looked back down at her phone, waiting for him to walk away.

"I'm Odell...you are?"

"None of your business?" Demi responded with a little smirk on her face. Odell chuckled and scratched the back of his neck.

"So it's really like that, baby?"

"I'm not your baby, and yeah it really is. Not to be rude or anything but I have to go. You played a great game though, Odell," Demi complimented, because she really wasn't trying to be rude. She just didn't have time for guys, nor was she craving any attention from them.

"Well thanks. Hopefully since you'll be cheering for me, I'll be able to really impress you this season," he said as Demi just shrugged and turned around to walk away.

"I really can't get your name though?" He called after her, causing her to turn her head.

"I'm sure you'll learn it eventually. Good night Odell," Demi gave him a three finger wave before leaving the field. Clearly Ariel and the other girls were going to stick around but she'd rather go back to her dorm.

Classes started two weeks ago and now they had their first official game coming up. All Ariel could talk about was Odell though. She was always bragging at practice about how much they texted each other and how they had danced at one of the parties and how they were pretty much dating. Demi didn't really care but she wished she would shut up about it. All Ariel cared about was Odell, partying, and cheerleading. She was already skipping classes and they had only been going to class for two weeks.

"Girls, as you all know we have the tradition at LSU of each of the cheerleaders wearing the football player's jersey, and the player gets to request which cheerleader they want to represent them," Coach Hilliker explained after making all of the girls sit down.

"So when I call your name, please come up and get the jersey. You'll be wearing it on game day and during the actual game with your black spanks and white shoes," she finished off. She started naming girls off while Ariel was talking about how she would definitely have Odell's jersey. Demi rolled her eyes and wondered if they would let her switch roommates or at least have a single. She didn't think she'd be able to tolerate Ariel for the whole year.

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