Chapter 2- New Girl

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Song for this chapter is;

Austin and Ally- Not A Love Song


Justin's pov

I woke up by feeling two fingers in my hair. The curtains was still down and made the room dark, I felt a headache in my head, and the thought hit me. We must have done something rough last night. I turned around and saw her sleeping like a baby next to me.

 I wrapped my arms around her and it made her wake up. She smiled as she opened her eyes. " I'm completely sore from last night" I said and give her a quick kiss.

I got up but she was still in the bed. ''Do you have something to wear?'' I asked. She just smirked. I laughed in a raspy voice and found something for her from my  messy wardrobe. I went to the bathroom, washed my face and..I saw her in the mirror. God..She was beautiful. Really, really beautiful.

I was stuck at the moment. 

I started walking towards to her. "April,I think you can stay here for a while if you want" I said,looking at her nervously and waiting for her answer.  

"Yeah,I can stay if you want me to but I can't stay that long. I already ditched the school." She was a little distant and cold. "I have good movies, we can watch one if you want." I said and we walked downstairs. when I was about to put the movie on, she touched my hand and said "So did you do that a lot ?"

"Do what?" I asked confused.

"Pick up random girls at parties and start watching movies with them?" Her voice was shaking. " No! I'm not that type of guy, you know"  I said but she didn't say anything, she kept watching the movie but I didn't even watch the movie at all.

 After a while she looked at me worried and stood up quickly "I FORGOT MY PURSE AT THE PARTY! IM SUCH AN IDIOT" She screamed. "Hey calm down we can get your purse okay? even if we cant it's not a big deal anyways" I said lazily.

"My money,my ID,my everything was in that purse Justin!" She yelled at me again, like it was my fault. "Okay, okay let me go and check out.. and you stay here. dont you dare to go anywhere." I said and put some pants on and went out. There was paps and took some pics but it's okay.

April's POV

He was gone like 15 minutes ago. I didn't know what to do so I decided to make breakfast. I went to the kitchen and set up the table. I wanted to make sure that everything is perfect because I wanted to impress justin. 5 minutes later I heard the door voice. I ran to the hall and saw Justin with my purse.

''Oh my God you found it!'' I screamed and hugged him.

''Woah, hold on.'' He said with a grin. 

''Oh.. I'm sorry.'' I pulled back. ''Well..You won't say anything?'' ''Oh..Thank you. Thank you so much.'' I said.

'' Are you hungry? I can make pancakes.'' '' It's already ready!'' ''Wow, you're amazing.'' He said and ran to the kitchen.

--One hour later--

''...And then I had to sing with a hole in my ass.'' he said with a laugh. I was laughing so hard. He was so funny, adorable and just you know he was just perfect.

''Well. I guess I should go now. '' I finished my juice and get up. ''But movies?'' He sighed. I wore my jacket and open the door ''Maybe someday?'' I said and hugged him ''But you don't have my number?'' ''I thought that you put a paper in my purse with your number on it.'' I smirked. ''Clever girl.''

When I was about to go, he grabbed my arm, pulled me back and closed the door quickly. "I can take you home with my car" he said with a low voice. "Can't say no" I smiled and he got upstairs to put something on. 

After a couple minutes He came down, looking hot, he's morning hair and a pair of red sweatpants from Abercrombie. He's morning voice was still there, and he spoke out. "Ready to go?" "Never been this ready" I smiled and he grabbed my hand, "Hold my hand tight babe" 

There was a lot of paps,they were asking something and taking a picture of our every step. We were running, Kenny  was in the front and two others in the back, it was crazy outside. We were going through a shaped path, made by grids and fans were hanging over it trying to reach him. He held my hand and he pull me in under his arm and tried to cover my face.

We get inside the car and after 10 minutes we stopped. 

"Thank you again, for taking me home" I smiled "Anything for you babygirl" he said and started tour the house. To be honest my house wasn't that nice, I live alone so my house looks mess. "Um sorry for the mess,Justin"  "Nah,its fine" he laughed and sat down on the couch. 

''Do you want something?'' I asked. ''Actually I'm a little thirsty.'' ''Coming.'' 

I walked into the kitchen and screamed. He ran after me.

''What happened?!'' he asked in suspense.


He laughed and picked up the insect, put it in a cup. 

''Wanna look?'' He laughed. 


He moved closer, still laughing.

''No Justin no!'' I ran to the bathroom and shut the door.

I heard his cruel laughter. ''Okay, Ap. Open the door. I put it out the window.''

''No I won't.'' 

''I swear. C'mon trust me.'' He was still laughing. Gosh, what was so funny? I hate insects. They're disgusting. I opened the door slowly. He was smiling at me. 

''You alright?'' He asked with a smile.

''I've never been better'' I mumbled. 

''Well, I can make you feel better.'' He whispered, wrapping his arms around my waist.


''Shh.'' he said and kissed me slowly.


Hi guys! We're new at that so we're trying our best so thanks for all good comments. We will be updating every Monday and Friday! If you read please, comment and vote.

-April and Jane

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