
"The girl that you like, she deserves to know."

"Bee?" She feels a light nudge on the arm as she snaps out from her thoughts. It's Jin who was sitting beside her, looking down at her. Jin turns to look at the direction that she was looking at just now. "Hey, you okay?"

Bee forces a smile and shook her head. "I'm fine."

From the other table, they hear Jimin laugh and his one-month girlfriend giggle right beside him. The heavy feeling is in her chest again, but she quickly shakes it off. She doesn't want to ruin the dinner party for everyone else.

"You didn't have to come you know." said Namjoon who was sitting the opposite of her. Gladly enough the other table was loud because it had Jungkook, Hoseok and Taehyung and no one could really much hear the conversation. The older guys already knew her feelings for Jimin and it wasn't like his new girlfriend was a bad person, but they have been friends with Bee for a while now so they could pretty much see right through her.

"No" she shakes her head again, "Jimin would have wanted me here. It's his birthday."

Jin and Namjoon exchanged glances and Yoongi was pretty indifferent about the situation. Not that he didn't care, but he preferred to analyse things before working on an action.

"Heyy! Why are you guys so glum over there?" Hoseok nearly shouts, probably already drunk by now, he picks up his glass and stands up from his seat. "A toast to this kid here," he points towards Jimin who was already covering his face from sheer embarrassment, "Never stop being the Jimin we all love and adore." Hoseok drinks from his glass while Taehyung struggles to tell him to sit down and stop embarrassing everybody else.

His girlfriend however takes the advantage to give him a peck on the cheek and everyone starts getting rowdy and cheers on for them. Jimin clealy blushes harder and he tries to cover it.

Everyone else drinks to Hoseok's toast and as Bee does, she accidentally steals a glance up at Jimin and right at that time they lock eyes for a second, she gives away first and looks someplace else other than him.

If she had said something first, if she had told him her feelings, would she be the one sitting there beside him instead of someone else?

Back home at last, and she's finally back on her bed. She rests her head on the headboard and sighs out of exhaustion. The scene from dinner replays in her mind and as soon as she remembers the way Jimin had looked at her, her face turns red and her eyes start to sting so she buries her face in a pillow.

Of all people she should be happy for him since she was the one who told him to confess to the girl that he liked. She was just mad that it wasn't her but then she could have already guessed that it would never be her, so why was she being all sour about it?

She hears a message come in from her phone. Still hugging the pillow, she grabs her phone and checks it.

Joon: I let you go this time because you insisted

Joon: but next time I'm never going to let you walk home alone

Joon: capiche?

Bee smiles as she wipes a stray tear running down the corner of her eye.

Bee: yes boss :3

Joon: good

Joon is typing....

Joon: Are you sure you'll be ok?

Joon: Yoongi hyung is asking

Bee: are you guys at work again?

Joon: as usual

Bee: aren't you tired even after the party?

Joon: Yoongi says you didn't answer him

Bee: then why can't he just text me himself

Right at that time, she gets another message from someone else.

Yoongs: answer me

Bee: I was chatting with namjoon

Yoongs is typing....

Yoongs: I know

Yoongs: you didn't answer me

Yoongs: answer my question

Bee: I'll be fine

She rolls her eyes but smiles at herself anyway.

Bee: I promise

Yoongs: good

Right after that Yoongi doesn't type back and Namjoon's message comes back in.

Joon: you answered him?

Bee: yeah

Joon: good

Joon: we need to get back to work so rest well bee.

Bee: you guys too.

Bee: thanks namjoon

Joon: :)

Bee immediately got up and decided to have a shower before bed. She forgot her sadness for a while thanks to Namjoon and Yoongi and when she got out of the shower, she dried her hair, put on her sleeping clothes and switched off the lights before heading straight to bed.

That night, one more message came in and the light from her phone illuminated the dark room. Being the light sleeper that she is, Bee grunted at the rudeness of this person for messaging her while she was already just about to sleep. She turned in bed to reach for her phone on the bedside table and squinted at the bright light.

It was a message from Jimin. She suddenly didn't feel so sleepy anymore and decided to read his messages. Swiping her finger against the screen, it immediately opened the chat room.

Jimin <3: you asleep?

Jimin<3: you didn't seem too good back at the restaurant

Jimin<3: you ok?

Jimin<3: bee

Jimin<3 is typing....

Jimin<3: we haven't talked in a while haven't we

Jimin<3 is typing....

Jimin<3: I kinda miss talking to you

Jimin<3 is typing....

Bee immediately switches off her phone but grabs on to it tightly. Tears are already flowing from her eyes and she couldn't help but let it all out. It wasn't fair. He wasn't allowed to. He can't do this to her. He can't just date someone else and tell her that he misses them talking to each other.

"Jimin you idiot." She sobs under her covers knowing that none of this was his fault to begin with.

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