Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Christine's words repeated themselves in Erik's mind over and over again as he continued to kneel in front of her with the ring box still in his hand. Frozen in place, he stared unblinkingly at the distant wall. Everything was silent aside from their breathing.

The words Christine had just spoken were being repeated in her mind, too, as she stood frozen in front of Erik.

"You don't know?" Erik finally murmured, making sure what he heard was real. He slowly lowered the ring box so that there was nothing between them and looked up into her eyes.

"Um," Christine stuttered. "I-"

"Would you like to sit down?" He stood up and, without waiting for an answer, led her to a couch. She sat without saying a word, and Erik moved to sit at the other end.

Neither spoke, at first. Erik was waiting for her to explain herself, but Christine really didn't know how.

Observing this, Erik decided to speak first. "Allow me to make sure I understand. I asked if there was any hope for us, and your response was, 'I don't know'. You are aware of what I meant, if there is a chance that you could ever love me?" After a moment, she nodded.

Erik sat up straighter, not being able to help the feeling of hope that was rising in his chest. "But, before... There was never any hope before."

Christine knew she needed to start talking, and fast, or else he was going to take things out of proportion. "Hold on, Erik. I don't want you to take what I said the wrong way."

"You are unsure," he continued for her. "How can I take that the wrong way?"

She knew he was completely capable of turning her words around so that they were exactly what he wanted to hear. "I just don't want you to... get excited over nothing." Now I'm lying, Christine admitted to herself. This definitely isn't 'nothing'. He didn't need to know that, though.

Erik's eyes lowered. "I see."

Well, that's different, she thought, referring to the sudden sadness she saw in him. Christine was also surprised to find herself almost wanting to reassure him that everything would be ok. But, that's stupid. As long as he keeps me here against my will, everything cannot be ok. What's gotten into me?

Deciding to change subjects, her eyes found the ring box he was still holding. To be honest, she was rather curious about it. "Would you care to show me that ring again?"

That she wanted to see it at all was exciting. Erik raised the box so that she could see its contents. "As you can see, the band is white gold. I believe it suits you better than gold would. The diamond in the center is eighteen carats. I designed it myself. And I felt the emeralds we're a unique touch," he stated proudly. "Do you like it?"

Christine couldn't help but admire it. The intricate details were impressive. And yes, she liked it. Nodding, she said, "I guess you really do know me."

He smiled. "Yes, I guess I do." Now, all Erik wanted was to see it on her finger. Nothing would please him more than for her to accept it. But, would she throw it aside once she was away from him, as she had the other ring? If she were to do that, it would hurt him deeply. "Would you like to wear it?" He wouldn't know if he didn't ask. "You don't have to if you don't want to."

She sighed. Wearing his ring would make him happy, she knew. Christine didn't want to give him anymore reasons to be hopeful, though, especially when she was still so confused about everything. So, she said, "I'm sorry, but I can't. It's really pretty, don't get me wrong, but I can't wear it. It wouldn't be right."

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