Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Christine had been so caught up in everything concerning Erik that she completely forgot about two important people who were practically dying to see her- Meg and Robert. She was sitting in her computer chair still trying to find answers on the Internet when she heard the door bell ring in the distance.

It was then that she remembered her best friend and her boyfriend. Christine had a feeling it was either one or both of them at the front door, and the thought of that made her heart sink in her chest. The Internet was put on pause.

Oh no, Robert will never understand... How can I even begin to explain everything? This is going to be so difficult.. I don't want to hurt him, but I can't help my feelings. The past can't be undone or forgotten... He has the right to know.

And Meg.. Well, there was actually some real hope there. Perhaps Meg could come to understand! She was her best friend, and best friends stuck together, right? Maybe she would help her!

There was a knock on her bedroom door.

"Christine, Robert and Meg are here," came her mother's voice. Norah opened the bedroom door and surveyed her daughter briefly before walking away.

There the two of them were, Meg holding a decorative vase filled with candy and Robert holding a bouquet of flowers. Christine stood noticing that there were tears in both their eyes.

In the next second, the distance was closed between them. Meg and Robert put what they were holding on the floor and raced towards Christine before throwing their arms around her, nearly knocking her over in their excitement. None of them said a word. Instead, they were all three crying and laughing and smiling, so happy to be reunited that words just wouldn't come.

Mere seconds ago, Christine had been nervous about seeing them again, afraid it would be tense and awkward. But now, while laughing and crying with the friends she at one time thought she'd never see again, it seemed like everything was right and that nothing had changed. There was such joy and comfort in their greeting that Christine felt her eyes close peacefully for a moment.

It was in that moment that she felt Robert's lips against hers. Christine's eyes flew open and she immediately backed away. She instantly remembered that everything had changed and nothing was right. There couldn't be joy or comfort, not when Robert and Meg had no idea what was going on.

"I'm so sorry," Robert gasped apologetically, inwardly berating himself. After all that Christine had been through, kissing her so abruptly was definitely the last thing he should have done.

Christine blinked, surprised to see that Robert didn't find her reaction odd at all. In fact, it looked like he felt horrible for what he'd done. Her eyes found Meg, who was silently studying her.

Not liking all of the attention, Christine averted her eyes and cleared her throat. "Hi, guys," she mumbled, shifting slightly. I should have known the awkwardness would come..

Meg was the first to speak. "I- it's really good to see you, Christine."

Some tears came to Robert's eyes as he said, "It's hard to believe that I'm actually looking at you right now."

Thinking about her appearance for the first time since being home again, Christine blushed. "Sorry, I know I must look terrible.."

"You look beautiful, Christine," Robert told her softly while gazing at her.

Christine tried not to think about what his gaze meant. "Um, I'm guessing those are for me?" She attempted to keep her tone light as she looked at the gifts on the floor.

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