Chapter nine

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            "Fumio good thing ya showed up to tell me or else this kid would of been sold, oi kid you should thank my son who am i kidding i don't care about the rules i just want the money," next thing you know the man was behind Naruto and before Naruto could even react a needle went into his neck, Naruto hissed in pain but then he was out like a light.

              "Oi Kit come on wake up please" "huh what th-Kyuubi what is happening i only appear in your room when I'm in danger" "well kit you kinda are" "huh how am I" "kit you're about to be sold come on get in the program already"  "ok ok wait what" "i told ya already...but-" "no i know that but the real question is how do I get out of this cage that I'm in" "maybe i can lend you some chakra"  "that could work but what if they put some enforcement on me so your charkra can't leak out" "there is no such thing" "tell that to all the ninetails seal that are in every ninja's bag when they go on a mission with me" "well that is different that stuff is for shinobi villages only why these people are just a a group of bandits" "true then lets try" a red chakra then engulfed Naruto's unconscious body that then slowly got up and broke down the cage the man freaked while the boy was horrified, soon then Naruto punched a hole in the wall (ONE PUNCH!!! XD) then jumping into the woods while being nowhere to be seen.

           After hours of just recovering from that "wow Kyuubi that was awesome" "uhhh Kit i think my chakra did a pretty big toll on you body right then"  "I know i was just saying that it was pretty cool to see me walk out of that cell like a savage" "i know right but just rest will ya i don't need you to put strain on yourself alright" "fine" Naruto then closed his eyes letting his body rest in the sunlight while his tails shined in it and his ears stood up making him seem so cute if only Sasuke was here to see this.

Narrator~chan: sorry did i break the 4th wall

Kera~chan: yeah now i need to repair it BAKA 

Narrator~chan: sorry though


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