Chapter 2

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             I cant believe this, no not to Naruto, what did he even do to make the villagers angry, this cant be, should i tell the i promised not to tell a soul, i was snapped to attention when Naruto gave me his concentrating look...was he trying to read my mind i don't even know anymore "Sasuke are you ok you kinda spaced out" Naruto questioned "you're one to talk Naruto" Sasuke sassed i gave him my famous Uchiha sassy look Naruto just rolled his eyes and sighed "its getting dark Sasuke should we head home" Naruto looked at me again so i just nodded, we then got up and went our separate ways.          

              By the time i got home it was dark and all i could think about was getting something to eat then i thought back to Naruto's and I talk i all the sudden didn't feel as hungry so i just went to my room and started to think,  what is Naruto's plan anyway, wait he can't be thinking he no he can't just leave Konoha its been his home and if he leaves we wouldn't complete his dream to become Hokage would he give up his dream, no Naruto isn't like that he never runs he said himself "I will never give up that's my nindo my ninja way" those words still ring in my head, oh looks like its time to head to bed.  

       through out the night Sasuke just kept dreaming about Naruto leaving Konoha forever and Sasuke's question still goes unanswered would Naruto really give up his dreams and defy his ninja way then...

                "What the heck was that noise'' Sasuke rushed to his window to see a dark figure jumping roof to roof heading towards the gates all Sasuke could think was no that isn't Naruto its just a another shinobi on a late night mission thats all you know Hokage~sama she isn't a organized person probably a mission she needed to sign right away?  in the morning Saskue was waken up to hear Naruto has run away from Konoha and that his team was to find him, "n-no why would h-" I felt a hand on my shoulder it was Kakashi~sensei "Sasuke we will find Naruto, he couldn't have gone far," all I  could do was nod and hope that Kakashi~sensei was right.

             "Alright team 7 find Naruto!"Hokage~sama ordered "Hai! "we responded we then dispatched to find Naruto.

(I hope you enjoyed this chapter really I do I waste my time to waste yours so yeah reading my books is a win-win situation yeah I need a better campaign if I wanna beat Trump in 20/20 XD) 

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