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SHOUT OUT TO Cryptonite_thewolf!! You are a fabulous person and thank you so much!!


I awoke with a gasp and looked at my surroundings. I saw a body-like figure next to me that was a whole lot smaller. There seemed to be bits white puffing through. I sat up and noticed that I was at the place I landed from when I fell, the beginning of the RUINS. In all the flowers, there was only one droopy one. I crawled over to it and it turned to me, Flowey.

"D-did you KIDNAP ME!?!" I screamed at the flower boy.

"Okay, okay. I couldn't get you in the beginning to help me, because you didn't trust me. A-and I can understand that! I...... I've done some horrible things while trying to get out of this body...... Y-your soul, the love soul can heal anybody and anything! That thing over there, that's my REAL body. Asriel."

I looked at the body that was engulfed in plants. I walked over to it and touched him. It glowed pink and I pulled my hand away, feeling a tingling sensation. My breath hiked. "Flowey, get over here." He popped up beside me and I touched his body and then one of his pedals. He looked utterly confused until he lost all feeling in his face. The vines uncovered his body and I could feel something inside hes chest moving. I looked at Flowey and there was only pile of dust. I felt something pass through me, and it hurt. my hand curled into a fist and I felt something furry on my hand. The pain subsided and I looked up to see Asriel holding my hand. He sat up and looked at me with a kind smile, not the psychopathic one he wore while in the flower's body. "Asriel?"

He let go and stood up with his hand outstretched to help me up. I smiled up at him and accepted his hand and stood up to meet a warm embrace. He was shorter that me so I picked up the goat boy and spun us around in a circle. He started laughing and I set him down on the ground.

"Oh My God! We have to go see Toriel!" I cheered

"Well? Lets go then!"

I grabbed his hand as we made our way through the RUINS. We arrived at Tori's and I told Asriel to hide behind me. I knocked on the door and the goat woman opened the door.

"Y.N? What are you doing here so late in the after noon?"

"Tori! So, you know how I have the love soul and it can heal anything even the things that have been dubbed 'impossible' to heal?"

"My child, I know all of this, you told me. Where are going with this?"

"Asriel, your son, died a very long time ago, but he came back because Alyphs tried to bring him back, do you know Flowey, the flower?"

"My child, I'm afraid your wrong, he didn't come back, but yes. I know Flowey."

"Well, Alyphs did bring him back, but was only able to move his SPIRIT, and as a result. Flowey, is Asriel. But, Flowey didn't have a SOUL anymore, so he couldn't feel anything. But, I could bring him back."

"Asriel..... he's alive in that flower, rith now? If we could, how would we lure him?"

"That's the thing, he's not in the flower anymore, and we don't have to lure him." I stepped aside to where Asriel came into Toriel's line of sight. Asriel was smiling wide. Toriel started crying.

"A-Asriel?" He ran into her arms. They met at a warming embrace. The let go after Toriel started flooding with tears.
"Y-Y.N, Sans has been looking everywhere for you. You better go see him. Oh, and by the way, Papyrus is at Undine's place for the weekend."
"Okay, while I'm gone, pay a visit to king Asgore, he's going to want to see his son again."
I walked into the peaceful abode and ran downstairs and out the purple door. The familiar whip of wind slamcked against my face as I trudged to where Sans and I first ment. I walked to the gait. Something pushed me into a tree. It was Sans.

"H-hey Sans!" I shivered in the cold.
He teleported us inside his house and onto his bed, he was looming over me and I started blushing.

His eyes were filled with lust. (Wink!)
Sorry for the short chapter.
761 Words.

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