Chapter 7

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(Rebecca's POV)

I walk out the door and am pleasantly surprised by my transportation in front of me. "A motorcycle?" Excitement clear in my voice. He smiles, apparently feeling relieved by my approval. He then extends his hand, and in it, a helmet. I laugh. "You know I'm kind of invincible, right?"

"I figured I didn't want to take any chances," he smiles. I smile back, taking the helmet and putting it on my head. "Besides, I think it's cute on you."

I look down at what I can see of my appearance. I picked out a simple sundress with flowers and a pair of booties-- wanting to be cute, but not too overdressed, seeing as I didn't know where we were going for dinner. A helmet definitely didn't do this outfit any good. I feel a blush creep along my cheeks as I ignore his compliment. Instead, I just climb on the back of his motorcycle. In response, he turns the bike on, roaring the engine. "Hold on tight," he shouts over the purr of the engine. I shyly snake my arm around his abdomen, taking full notice of his well define stomach. Everything about this man was muscular, why would his abs be any different? The surprise must have come from my feeling his muscles for the first time. Just seeing them didn't do him any justice. His abs were insanely solid.

Suddenly, I'm worried that Edward is still listening in and I blush for an entirely different reason."Lets just go," I mutter, knowing he could hear me. As a response, he takes off down the winding road and out of the woods.

"Is Chinese ok?" he asks upon pulling up to a classy looking Chinese restaurant. It was a small shop that looked almost big with the lack patrons. It was perfect for the privacy needed for our topic of discussion planned for today's meeting.

"Chinese sounds great," I smile. I ungracefully climb off the bike-- heeled shoes are not friends to motorists apparently-- and Jacob just laughs. "What are you laughing at?" I pout.

"Aren't vampires supposed to be graceful?" He smirks. I'm glad we are at least at the point where he acknowledges the elephant in our friendship.

"I'm only half vampire, meaning I only get to be half graceful," I counter, my excuse was a lame one but I intend to be proud of it nevertheless. He just laughs again and shakes his head. Walking into the restaurant the emptiness was still surprising despite knowing that the outside didn't seem any busier. In London, every place was busy all of the time. I liked having all the people around, especially when I first moved there. It made the city feel less lonely.

Jacob slid into a booth in the back corner of the room-- apparently it was seat yourself-- and I joined by sliding in across from him. I barely had time to pick up a menu when an older woman, our waitress, shuffled up to our table, obviously excited to have some activity. "Hello, my name is Doris. I will be your server today! Can I start you two off with something to drink?"

"Can I get an iced tea," Jacob replies without hesitation. Doris scribbles it down on her little notebook of paper.

"Um..." I start, glancing quickly at the drink items on the back of the menu. "Can I just get a water, please?"

"I will have those out for you in just a moment," she mutters, writing down the request. She then shuffles off, leaving Jacob and I in an awkward silence.

"So..." I start, not necessarily enjoying the quiet. "Where do you want to start?"

"Start from the beginning," he prompts. "What was your life like before you became a hybrid? Where did you grow up? How did it... happen?" At the intense rush of questions I got a little flustered, but I knew now where to start.

"I wasn't really 'created' per-say," I correct. "I was born." Jacob's eyebrows knit together in an adorably confused look. "My mother was a human and my father was a vampire. They met one night in Greece in the 60s. My mother didn't know he was a vampire. They got married less than a year later and he left her before my mom knew she was pregnant. My mom didn't know what was happening to her throughout the entire pregnancy. She didn't survive the birth, but I did." I tried to keep the story short since it's not a pleasant one to tell. "After my mother's death, I was left with my godmother. However, the first few years of my life I started growing up exponentially fast, no one could understand what was happening to me. They took me to the doctor after they found me biting into a bird.

"The Volturi heard about the 'demon child who eats live animals' and thought I was an immortal child-- a child who is turned into a vampire before they are old enough to be controlled, they are illegal in the eyes of the Volturi. Anyway, they came to the doctor to kill me, but discovered that I was different from anything they've seen before. Therefore, they decided to raise me instead. They learned that I had powers and when I stopped aging they tried to train me to be a weapon. Eventually they sent me to live with the Cullen's, finding it to be safer for their 'secret weapon'." I finish my story just as Doris came back with the drinks-- which is either a sign that I talk really fast or that Doris walks really slow.

"Here you are dears," she smiles, handing us each our beverages. "Are you ready to order or do you need more time?"

"I'd like orange chicken with white rice, please," I respond quickly. I look up for the first time since finishing my story at Jacob. Now is his turn to hesitate and fluster.

"Um..." he stutters. "Uh, same." Doris smiles again kindly and takes our menus, then off she goes. "Um," he starts again. "I don't know what to say."

"Do you have any other questions?"

"What makes you different from a vampire?" He asks slowly. "I mean, besides the origin of species and the fact that you can eat food, which you confirmed by agreeing to this meal."

I kind of laugh at this. "Well," I start. "I don't need as much blood, since I eat food too. I am not as fast or strong. I don't heal as easily as a vampire since I don't have vampire venom in my system. And I don't sparkle in the sun, it's more of a shimmer." He too smiles now, feeling the tension somewhat lessen.

"Do you like being a hybrid?"

"Honestly, sometimes I wish I was either one or the other, not both. If I were fully human, I'd be completely ignorant of this world. No danger, no big secrets, just a normal life full of normal problems. I'd have simple dreams of becoming a chef, or a singer, or a real estate agent," I laugh, getting caught up in my imagination. "And I might have a family! With a grandpa and an aunt. And we'd have family reunions! And my relatives would pass down a family recipe to me when I reach a certain age. I'd live everyday not knowing if it'd be my last." I pause, knowing that if I gave the idea too much thought, I would just get depressed.

"Or, if I were fully vampire, I'd still experience the human stuff for awhile, but I'd also get to have eternity of being invincible. I would suddenly be exposed to this new community of beings that I could relate to. I'd be different, but still have a group to belong to. However, I know I will never experience either life. I was never human, and I will never be a vampire. All I know is this in between stuff.

"Rosalie tells me she's jealous of me because she thinks since I'm part human I still have hope for a happy ending. But the truth is, I'm jealous of her. I may have the potential of a semi human life, but I will never understand what it's like to be human."

I then take a look at Jacob. He's watching me intently, hanging on my every word. I don't know why it's so easy for me to open up to him, but every time I look into his dark brown eyes I feel my walls crumbling down. I wanted to tell him everything, I'm not afraid of what he'd think or what he'd say. I feel safe.

"Here you are, two orange chickens with white rice," Doris exclaims happily, breaking my concentration. She slides both plate in front of us and smiles her excited smile. "Hope you all enjoy! Give me a holler if you need anything else."
hope you enjoy! Much love!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2019 ⏰

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