Chapter 2

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Hey all! I know that it's been eons since I posted a chapter to any of my stories... But! I am back for an undetermined amount of time and I hope to be posting a couple chapters to my stories- this one especially- while I'm back. Thank you for being patient with me! I really appreciate it:) Please enjoy this long awaited chapter!


(Edward's POV)

After Alice contacted Rebecca, Carlisle arranged with the wolves to meet this coming Tuesday. The pack wished to meet in the woods, equal distance from either territory, that way if a disagreement came about, neither party would be at an advantage. They also decided they would feel safer if they remained in wolf form during the introduction. I can't blame them. At least they agreed.

So, is she coming? Or... Jacob huffs, making his annoyance obvious to the pack and myself.

"Don't worry, she'll be here." I assure the group. "Right, Alice?" The pack of wolves in front of him were getting anxious. I see Alice replay the vision in her mind. Any vision involving Rebecca is hazy- Alice says that they are similar to feelings rather than concrete images. They are often unclear and uncertain, but Alice seems pretty sure in this case.

"She'll be here soon. Be patient," Alice pleads. We understand that the decision to allow Rebecca to visit was an uneasy one. Any light screw up on our part come mean the start of a war between our two species. However, despite the uneasy circumstances, I find myself unable to control my excitement. It's been six years since I've seen my sister- one year traveling the world, and the other five living in England. I guess when you think about it, six years isn't that long when you live forever. But, to my family and I, the last six years have been our longest. Seeing her again is a dream come true.

I don't have time for this, I hear Jacob whine. In response, Sam glares and growls. There is an unspoken conversation between the two, none of the other wolves or myself daring to interrupt with their personal thoughts. After a solid minute, Jacob huffed and left, leaving the rest of his pack behind.

"Where's he going?" Bella asks, stepping in line with me, but not taking her eyes off the spot where Jacob had just been.

"Jacob wasn't interested in meeting Rebecca," I inform through a clenched jaw. "So Sam told him to go home."

Out of nowhere, the once silent woods around us becomes lit with new sounds. A flock of scared birds begin squawking and flying away. Nearby Elk mew and bugle. Squirrels scamper up the closest tree. "She's here!" Alice cries happily. I instantly smile. Becca's back.

(Rebecca's POV)

"Eddy!" I yell, jumping down from my tree and onto the ground directly in front of Edward. He of course is un phased by my surprise appearance and only offers me an entertained smirk as his response. "Did you miss me?" I taunt, unable to sound serious because of my giant smile. Before he can give me an answer, I am attacked in a bear hug.

"I know I did," Emmett says after finally letting me go.

"Me too!" Alice chimes in, squeezing in for a hug also. One by one, my family greets me. I am overwhelmed by the amount of attention I'm receiving from both my family and the mysterious eyes from the pack of wolves standing in front of me.

"They are surprised by your appearance," Edward states, laughing at the thoughts he was reading. I blush, suddenly worried that I had gotten some twigs stuck in my hair, or splashed some mud on my face. "No, surprised by how good you look."

I look up at my brother, then the pack. I give them a bashful smile, "well, thank you." Then, I turned back to Edward and voiced my real thoughts. "What did they think I would look like?" I whisper, earning me another chuckle.

"A monster," Edward responds nonchalantly. "A really hideous one," he explains.

"Can I see?" I ask, slyly cracking a smile. He offers me his hand without hesitation and I take it in return. After a second, my mind is flooded with the thoughts of the wolves. I laugh with him this time, seeing the horrifying images of monsters and beasts they had assumed me to look like.

She's so hot.

She doesn't look like a leach.

She doesn't smell like a leach either.

What is she doing?

"I'm reading your minds," I answer.

Do you have the same powers as Edward? Sam's thoughts burn in my head. I knew I wouldn't be able to listen in for much longer.

"No," I respond. "I'm borrowing his power momentarily." Before he could ask for clarification, I explain further: "My power is the ability to borrow powers from others. It only works if I keep contact with the source, and I am only able to do this for short period of time-" I let go of Edward's hand, unable to handle the pain any longer. "Because the power-siphoning takes a bit of a toll on me after awhile." The wolves look between each other skeptically.

"They want to know if your power works on only vampires," Edward states.

"I don't know," I reply. "I've never tested it. It's not pleasant for me to use my powers, so I try not to use them unless I need to, and I rarely need to."

With the wolves discussing amongst themselves and my family and I not wanting to intrude on them, an awkward silence fell on the clearing. Always being one to start a new conversation, I walk over to the only person in the clearing that I hadn't been formally introduced to. "Hi, you must be Bella," I greet, walking up to the shy brunette hidden by the shadows of the trees. "Alice told me so much about you on the phone."

She has a slightly skeptical and scared look on her face, but she quietly responds anyway. "It's nice to meet you Rebecca."

"You don't have to be frightened, Bella," Edward explains, placing a comforting hand around her waist. As soon as he was next to her, the brunette immediately calmed down. As though to show how comfortable she had become, she reached out her hand for me to shake. Resisting the urge to give her a hug, I instead delicately shake her hand like an average greeting.

"Are you listening? Do they like me?" I ask Edward, trying to be subtle and not sound to eager.

"They are confused," Edward smirks. "You are not what they expected." I lower my head, embarrassed. "They like you, Becca. But, they don't want to like you. You're unpredictable and they are skeptical of you, but charisma is getting the better of them," Edward laughs. I smile at his remark. They like me? Did I really win the approval of the werewolves? "I wouldn't go that far," he chuckles. I laugh and give him a nudge in retaliation.

"Is there anything else they would like to know?"


If you caught my Pitch Perfect reference, I'm proud of you.

Thank you for reading! If you like my story or have any suggestions, please comment! I enjoy feedback. Also, please follow me so that you can check out my other stories:)

You are amazing and beautiful people. I love you! :) 

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