Chapter 3

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Wow! I updated again! I'm so impressed with myself! Can you believe this? I can't believe this! Anyway... Hello again! I know this is kinda short, but cut me some slack. At least I posted more. And... *SPOILERS* Rebecca and Jacob finally meet! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!! Are you excited? I'm excited! Alrighty, I won't keep you any longer. READ!!!


(Jacob's POV)

Stupid leaches. They always cause so much unneeded chaos. Why bring in someone new? Why can't the wolves and the vampires working together be enough? Instead, they want to push their luck even further and bring in an entirely new species to our town.

Stupid Sam. How can he allow this to happen? We are supposed to be protecting our territory from these bloodsuckers and instead we are setting up their family reunion! Before we let this creature into our town, shouldn't we figure out how to kill it? Can we kill it? Is it stronger than a normal vampire, or weaker? Does she bleed? I seem to be the only wolf that understands this. If I were in charge... But, I'm not. I gave that position up, and now I'm paying the price. I should've just accepted the role as alpha. Then, we wouldn't be in this mess. The territory would be unquestionably safe from new species like hybrids.

Stupid Hybrid. I haven't even met her and I don't like her. How could I like her? A half human, half vampire. Is that even possible? Was she some kind of an experiment? Or maybe she was created on accident. I can't imagine someone stupid enough to create a monster like that on purpose. How much of her is vampire? Does she look pale like they do? Does she smell as rancid? Does she drink blood? I find myself only able to picture the worst when I think of this creature.

Stupid dad. When I'm this angry and upset, he really shouldn't send me to the market to pick up dinner. The guys are probably back by now and I want to know how the meeting went.


I look up to see I ran into the "Leaning Rower of Pizza Rolls" that had previously been the crowning jewel of this store's freezer section. Now, however, it is merely a pile of boxes that I should probably pick up. Reluctantly, I bend down and try my best to put back together the sculpture, but instead, it was replaced with the much simpler: "Rectangular Prism of Pizza Rolls". As I'm getting back onto my feet, I hear a small snort of laughter coming from directly behind me. I whip around to see a young female standing there, covering her face as she tries to hold back her laughter. The girl seemed to be an age similar to my own. She had dark brown hair, pin straight- currently it was helping to hide her face. From what I could tell, however, I didn't know her. Was she watching me this whole time?

"Are you laughing at me?" I ask, kind of startled by the situation. She then looks up, pining her bangs back behind her ear so that her face was now visible to me. She still had a smile plastered on her face, but I was too focused on her eyes to pay close attention to it. Her eyes are beautiful-the color of chocolate- and they held tiny flakes of gold that brightened up her entire face. But it's more than just the beauty of this girl's eyes that keeps me captivated. I'm suddenly overwhelmed by the thoughts of this girl. I suddenly want to know everything about her. All I want to hear at this moment is her voice. I could watch her smile for hours. I feel the need to just reach out and touch, to make sure she's real. I find my heart has recently picked up speed, it now feels like it could burst through my chest cavity at any minute.

I know, from this moment on, I will only have thoughts of her. I need her in my life. No! She IS my life. Is it possible that this girl has become my world? I don't even know her! Oh, but I want to know her. I want to know everything about her. Her likes. Her dislikes. Her family. Her friends. Her favorite color.

Her name.

What is this? Did I just- Oh God! I think I just imprinted on this girl!

"Um, sorry, I didn't mean to laugh. I just-" she blushes, unable to give an excuse. "I'm just going to walk away now." Wow, her voice is beautiful too.

"No!" I reply in a panic. I try to cover by instead asking flirtatiously- "Do you think you could do better?" She raises an eyebrow and gives me a playful smirk, setting down her basket of un purchased food. She then struts past me and over to the rectangle of awesomeness before me. After cracking her knuckles sassily, she deconstructs my rectangular prism and begins in her own design. In the end, I am presented with a well assembled version of the Eiffel Tower. "Wow, I'm impressed."

"Thank you," she smiles, looking up from her masterpiece. She walks past me again to pick up her basket and begins to walk away. I suddenly find myself unable to move, I'm too dazed by her that I can hardly breathe. Once I find my breath, I continue on through the store. I gather up the last few items I need while still keeping an eye out for the girl.

Stupid Jacob. Where's your game? I finally imprint on someone and as soon as I do, I clam up! I didn't even get her name. I'm not usually like this. If it had been any other girl, I'd have her number already! I'd definitely get her name... But, this girl is different. This girl is "the one".

After I get my last item, I walk around the isles one more time, praying to see her again. Thankfully, I do. I turn into the next isle and see her struggling to reach a can of soup on the top shelf. She is already as stretched as she could get, there is no way she was going to be able to reach that can. Seizing the moment, I step up behind her and grab the soup with ease. As soon as she see's who it was that helped her, her face reformed into the cocky grin she had when she last left me. "What, are you following me?" she teases.

"I believe the proper response is thank you," I tease back. The chemistry between us was evident already.

She rolls her eyes before giving in. "Thank you," she mutters, grabbing the soup from my hand and putting it in her basket. She then starts to walk away again. Not wanting to lose her again, I catch back up with her.

"You know," I begin. "Normally, when mysterious stranger helps a damsel in distress, they get a kiss or something."

"I'm sure in this situation, a thank you will suffice," she replies laughing. I love her laugh.

"How about you give me your name then?" I raise my eyebrow in wait as she ponders the offer.

"Becca," she states.

"It's nice to meet you Becca," I smile. "I'm Jacob."


Ah!!!!!! They met! FINALLY! 

I know it's short... Sue me. I'm tired. But I mean... Posting twice in one week has got to mean something... Right?

Thank you for reading! I love you very very very much! Please comment and tell me that you love me back! Or don't! Just comment! *kissy face emoji*

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