Part 6 - Unexpected Visitor

Start from the beginning

"Let's go inside it's freezing out here and it's not good for the baby." I spoke to Bill who was staring blankly at his brother waiting for an answer but nodded at my statement in agreement.

"Baby? What baby?" Ron asked confused. But I kept on walking thinking I was stupid for not bring a coat with me in the early November air.

"My baby. I am pregnant." I responded once indoors. "Now that you are all caught up on my life. I think it's time you explain why you left my brother and your best friend whilst on a top secret mission that you told nobody else about. And don't you think about leaving anything out Ronald Weasley or so help you god, I have been praying for someone to be a target practice for weeks."

He gulped. "Well, um..." Glad I still made him squirm. "We had a, er..., fight and I um..., ended up apparating away in anger and I regretted it the moment it happened as I was away from the horcrux you..."

I interrupted him. "What's a horcrux?" Bill also intrigued.

"I, er... um well you weren't supposed to find out nobody was supposed to find out. You aren't to tell anyone alright?" We both nodded. "It's an object someone has concealed part of their soul in meaning you can't die. So HE will survive even if his current body dies. It won't be over." Ron spoke quietly. "We think he has 7 of them and 3 have been found, 2 destroyed, one by Harry in the Chamber of Secrets and one by Dumbledore, but we don't know where the rest are and it isn't easy to destroy them and they affect you when you are around them for long periods and I was wearing the locket at the time before, it affects me more than it does the others, I don't know why before you ask, it just does and it brings out your worst side."

It was clear that he regretted his choice from his demeanor and it sounded a bit defeated. "Just to ask did you apparate back to where they were last?" I asked hoping he could return to Harry and Hermione and continue this mission.

"Yeah, no didn't think of that." He said sarcastically. I glared back. My hormones were already all over the place because of this pregnancy I don't need sarcasm added to the mix. "Sorry, I did they had already moved on. We never stay in the same place for long, in case of death eaters or snatchers."

"Well, do you have any idea where they might be?" Bill asked. "We can help you get back. ggBut we won't let anyone else find out you are here especially mum she is under enough stress as it is with what going on with this war. Ron you will need to stay upstairs in one of the bedrooms because she and the twins come by unannounced to check up on Ari."

Ron nodded in agreement. "Thanks."

I stood up and gestured for Ron follow. "This is your room. I'm glad you're okay Ron."

I gave him a hug which he returned. He was a little shocked at the size of my stomach at first but soon settled into the hug. "Thaaaannkkss! What was that?" Ron yelped in surprise dropping his arms and stepped back.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Ron that was the baby moving." I couldn't not laugh at his expression.

"What it moves!" he shouted like it was the most bizarre thing in the world.

"Yeah, Ron what did you expect it's a living thing it's going to move?"

"I dunno... not that anyway. Does that happen a lot?"

"Yeah but I don't mind kinda used to it now, it has been happening for a few weeks now. But it is a bit annoying at 3am when I'm trying to sleep."

"How are you pregnant anyway, Ari?" Ron asked.

"Didn't your mother give you the bird and the bee's talk. Well when a boy and a girl really love each other..." I laughed as he interrupted me.

"I know how," Ron stressed the how but gave a laugh too. "I meant with who? I didn't know you even had a boyfriend."

"Well that's because I like my privacy and don't eat another person face in the common room besides that doesn't really matter what we need to focus on right now is getting you back to my brother. Who under no circumstances finds out about this you hear!" Giving him my best 'don't mess with me look'.

"Wow, touchy subject." Ron whispered. I punched his arm.

"I may be 6 months pregnant but I can still whip your butt Ronald." I smirked pretending to reach for my wand.

"I will take your word. Why don't you want Harry to know?"

"Because you know what he like. He takes care of everyone else before himself and I can take care of myself. Harry is the only one who can take him down in the end, he holds our entire world's fate. He doesn't need to worry about this. I'm fine, healthy everything's good. He needs to focus on defeating him. It needs his full attention. So getting back to your problem you need to tell me everything you know about the whole thing. Fresh pair of eyes might be a good thing. Are two heads will be better than your one anyway."

"Hey!" We both laughed.

"You should take a shower, eat a decent meal, sleep in a proper bed bet you haven't done that in a while. You can tell me everything tomorrow." I walk out and let him rest tonight. 

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