Imagine 2 (Niall) - Your tutoring is different

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(Y/N) = Your name

(Y/L/N) = Your last name

{Your POV}

The bell for school had just rung out and you groaned in relief as you could finally escape the torturous English teacher, Mrs Horan.

"Miss (Y/L/N)!" you were halfway out the door when you froze at that screechy voice. "May I have a word?" Crap! That never means good news. Sighing, you sulked as you stepped aside, watching as the other students in your class quiet happily sauntered out of the classroom.

After everyone had left, you walked over to the teacher's desk as she looked up at you unimpressed.

"Miss (Y/L/N). I do not understand why you are failing in my class when the work is simply primary school level." She began and I shrugged.

"English is my worst subject." I whispered and she took her glasses off, her blue eyes staring into the soul of my education. I'd hope she'd stop. All she would probably see is E's enveloping my brain.

"You are 15 years old (Y/N), you should be accomplishing better than you are now." she looked down and I glanced at my foot twirling awkwardly on the spot. "I have called your parents earlier today about this mishap and spoken a word or two about this to them." Oh no... mum will be furious! She wants me to be academically perfect in school but unfortunately I don't think I am. Hell! I know I'm not. "And we have arranged you a private tutor."

My eyes shot up at her wide eyed and she stood up packing her things.

"W-what? Mrs Horan! I know I'm bad at English but I'm not that terrible!" she sighed and held her equipment under her arm.

"Unfortunately Miss (Y/L/N), you are, that terrible. So we have arranged a tutoring this afternoon since the exam is scheduled next Monday." But... today is Friday. FRIDAY! The best day of the week and school just ended! I mean come on! "You will be accompanying me to my house where my youngest son will be tutoring you." say what...?

"Y-your house?!" I yelled surprised and she walked to the door and looked at me.

"Walk with me." she said simply and I hesitantly walked over to the door as she locked it behind us. "You see (Y/N), my son is approximately the same age as you yet he is doing wonderfully in this subject." Rub it in...

We walked, well... I trudged with her towards her staffroom as she rambled on, boasting about her son's intelligence.

"He wants to become an English teacher when he grows up. Bless him. And he has already tutored some other kids from this school." I rolled my eyes as she entered the staffroom and waited a few minutes. She exchanged goodbyes with the teachers as she left the staffroom and I followed beside her to the car park.

"So... do you do this with all kids that are failing? Just shove them as a burden onto your son? I mean, he could be struggling himself with subjects and studying." I tried to convince her and she waved me up in disapproval.

"My son can help many others as well as himself. Besides, being a future teacher, he needs to know how to handle over indulging work as well as his own. So I hope you appreciate all the trouble your parents and I have gone for your benefit." We reached the car park and I stood at the passenger side. "At the back door please, you are not yet 18." You have got to be kidding me!

I groaned and stepped back to the back door as she unlocked the car letting us both enter. It's not fair. I mean mum does this as well but dad lets me in the front. I'm 15! I should be able to sit in the front! I know the boundaries and rules to the passenger seat so why not let me sit there!

"I'm not a child." I grumbled slumping my bag between my feet and putting on my seat belt.

"What was that (Y/N)?" Mrs Horan challenged and I looked down at my lap.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2014 ⏰

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