As Diana walked up to the door she heard voices, “... and I can’t do anything about it that weasel is ALWAYS there.” Said a voice she recognized as Chris.

“You really think we were up in the attic looking for that old album?” asked another, older, voice that she thought was probably his dad.

“What are-”

“Your solution.” his dad said, cutting Chris off.

Diana, both mystified and slightly irritated about it, decided to knock then.

“That’s Di.” Chris said.

“Well don’t keep the young lady waiting. Here.”

“But how do I...?”


Chris opened the door and slipped a small velvet bag into his pocket, “Hey.”

Diana raised an eyebrow and smiled, “What’s that?”

“Oh nothing.” He said, reaching back and grabbing his jacket before letting the door close.

“Uh huh.” She rolled her eyes and smiled, “You really enjoy the whole mysterious thing don’t you?”

He grinned.” Yep but, admit it, you like it too. Makes me sexy.”

She snagged his arm and turned to the car, “Yeah even if it bugs me.” They got in the car and as Diana sat down her knee brushed a bag on the ground. She reached for it but found her hand snagged by Chris.

“More surprises?” she asked frowning.

He grinned and turned back to the road, “You learn fast.” She huffed dramatically. “You only need to wait about twenty minutes, that’s not unreasonable is it?”

“I GUESS not.” She said petulantly before slouching in the chair.

Chris chuckled and threw the car into reverse, spilling Diana halfway out of her seat. “HEY!”

He laughed all the way around the block.

As his dark green Accord sped up onto the highway Diana started to get antsy. The surprise should have been at least within the city limits but the sign they’d passed said now entering Englewood. “Where are we going?” She asked, turning away from the window.

Chris seemed to be concerned chiefly with driving and a staring contest with the rear view mirror. Diana turned back to look out the back window just as the car turned. She didn’t see anything interesting enough to warrant that sort of attention, nothing but cars and highway. Just as she turned back to ask what had his attention he said, “And here we are.”

At that she whipped around, excited to finally find out what he’d had planned, and saw, “A rec center?” She wasn’t exactly excited to play sports with Chris. It wasn’t that she disliked sports, she played on Ashley’s softball team some years, but Chris was the head of the swim team. Anything in sports he did he had to be better than she was. That meant a whole lot of swallowing her pride and playing the graceful loser.

“Look in the bag.” Chris said parking the car and opening the door.

Diana did. “Wha...” Inside she found a swimsuit, a girls swimsuit. “WHAT is this for?” she asked knowing full well what the answer was.

“Di listen, you’re a teenager rebellion burns in your blood. When my dad was our age he was out drinking at the Wendys and shooting out streetlights! You can do something so simple as go swimming.”

She’d had to tell him no before and it was hard enough once. “Chris...” she said weakly.

“Come on...” He said putting on that grin that made her tingle. “...our little secret.”

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