Chapter 5: Truth & Lies

Start from the beginning

Tay knew it had to do wit how close he and Nick are, but right was not the time to try him.

-Nick: Frankie I Think U Should Go And I'll Get At U Tomorrow, Dude...!
(Nick said pissed at Frankie).

Frankie lookin at Nick like was crazy, but he would deal wit Frankie tomorrow.

As Frankie left out of the front door he walked right into Jamie, and didn't say one word to him.

Jamie jus shook his head and walked into the house to see what the meeting was about. Inside Tay was feelin' everyone in on what happen when he went to see Smilez earlier today.

-Keisha: Oh My God....! That's Why He Wouldn't Let Me Come To See Him...!" (Keisha said wit her hand over her mouth).

Keisha thought it was cause he had sum other bitch comin up there to see him, Keisha was cool wit Smilez being wit Tay, Smilez had already told her he was Bi-Sexual when they first got together, it was sumthin they had in common, but she be damn if she would let sum other bitch come before her and her son.

As Tay was about to continue, Jamie cut in and told Tay and Keisha that he saw Smilez earlier and that's way he was late and Smilez told him that he didn't want them to come and see him anymore and if they did they would be let into see me and that they had to more on wit out him.

Jamie also said that Smilez want Tay let go of vendetta he has for Miguel go and jus let Miguel luv him, cause he couldn't luv him anymore, told Keisha that she had to be strong for lil' Eric and that she need to find sumone that will luv u the way he couldn't.

After the meeting ended Jamie felt like shit for want he just did, Ric and Gee-Gee both felt bad for Tay, but didn't know to help him, Keisha was beside herself not understandin, why Smilez would push her and even Tay away from him, when he need them the most.

Nick felt bad for Tay and Keisha he jus wanted to hold Tay until the pain and hurt went away, {but had to handle Frankie first}, Kai was happy as hell {but on the inside}, he thought that he now had a change to get Tay (one down and one to go, put how will he get Miguel out of the way).

Tay's world had just been crushed to pieces, he couldn't and wouldn't believe Smilez would give up on their luv like that and then tell him to move on wit Miguel, pissed Tay off to no end.

Tay really luv'd Smilez he'd been in luv wit him since he was younger, even before he saw Smilez naked, he hoped that one day he would get to show Smilez he's luv.

Once everyone left Tay broke down and did sumthin that never does, he let his emotions get the best of him and cried himself to sleep.

Later That Night:
As Tay cried himself to sleep, Nick had problems of his own, he had to deal wit Frankie and figure out what he's problem was wit Tay.

As Nick made his way home, he thought about Tay and what he was goin through an that shit made him mad and pissed out that Smilez would just through away sum one as beautiful, caring and smart as Tay, if he could he would beat the shit outa Smilez right now.

Nick thought about goin to deal wit Frankie and his shit, but it had to wait until tomorrw or so Nick thought. When Nick got home Frankie was waitin outside of he's house.

-Nick: What Do U Want, Frankie...? I Don't Have Time For Ur Shit Right Now....!"
(Nick asked and stated, as walked up to his front door).
-Frankie: I Just Wanna Say I'm Sorry, Nick...!
(Frankie replied wit a sad look on his face, as Nick unlocked the front door).
-Nick: Sorry, Muthafucka Ur Sorry, Nigga I'm Not The Fuckin One U Need To Say Sorry Nigga...! U Need To Be Sayin That Shit To Tay...!
(Nick yelled taken his anger out on Frankie).
-Frankie: Man...! Fuck That Nigga, Why Is It Always About Muthafuckin Tay..."
(Frankie said, before he was cut off by Nick's hand around his throat).
-Nick: I Don't Know What Ur Fuckin Problem Is Wit Tay, But U Need To Get The Fuck Over It Nigga, Cause No Matter What I'm Always Goin Care About Me More, So It The Fuck Over It....!
(Nick said as he choked Frankie harder).

Frankie's dick was rock hard as Nick choke him.

Frankie would get so turned on when ever Nick got made, but this was so new to him, that Frankie didn't know how to reacted he'd never seen Nick this mad before, he was scared of Nick and turned on by him all at the same time.

-Nick: So, U Like This Shit Huh...?
(Nick asked, as he whispered, feeling Frankie's hard dick on his leg).

Nick didn't need for Frankie to answer him, even if could, his dick was all that Nick need as an answer, it even turned him on.

Nick's 12"inch and 6"inches thick dick was at full mass.

Nick turned Frankie around so that he was facing the wall, with his left hand still around Frankie's neck, he undid Frankie's jeans wit his right and ripped them down all wit Frankie's underwear.

Nick pulled out his dick spit on it then rammed it up Frankie's tight ass.

Frankie let out a loud moan (in pleasure and pain) as Nick's big dick entered him.

The way Frankie moaned Nick knew that Frankie had been fuck before and that made him even more pissed that Frankie had been holding out on him, which made Nick fuck Frankie even harder.

Nick was fuckin Frankie so hard that he was damn near raping him, so Nick's hand moved from around Frankie's neck to his waist, Frankie was now moanin louder and throwin his big Black Italian booty back at Nick like a pro (the truth was Frankie was a pro, he had been gettin fuck since he was 12, by his Dad).

-Nick: Damn...! Nigga, Ur Pussy Wet As Fuck...! U Must Like Me Fuckin Raping Ur Pussy And Makin U My Bitch...!
(Nick whispered, into Frankie's ear, as he fucked Frankie up against the wall).
-Frankie: Yea..! Fuck Me Harder Daddy...! Fuck My Pussy, My Ur Bitch...! Daddy...!
(Frankie moaned and begged, wit his head leaning back on Nick's shoulder).

The Harder Nick fucked, the weter Frankie's ass got, soon Frankie was cummin outta his ass, {for the first time ever}, and cummin outta his dick.

This made Nick fuck Frankie even more hard, until he bust his nut deep inside of Frankie's guts, wit both of them passin out on the stairs.

Once Nick could his breath, he told Frankie to get his shit and get the fuck outta his house, Frankie did as he was told, got his stuff and left.

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