yanderes beginning 5 warning

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I had woke up, I didn't even know what time it was, it seemed to be late since it was pitch dark. I had gotten out of bed feeling this weird thing in between my legs again and got up heading to my bathroom and turned on the shower. I hadn't expected much, I felt as if someone else's hands were on my body, hands that I know but can't seem to recognize. I slipping into the shower sitting on the tiles as the water washed away any filth, I tend to shower while sitting, it made me feel dizzy if I stood in the shower. I sighed and glanced down at my body, I wished I had a manly body like Tim, his body was like a god! Oh god just thinking of him made me embarrassed imaging him looking at me as I touched myself or anyone looking at me and him as he pounded my ass was a turn on aswell! But I shouldn't be thinking such lewd things slendy might hear but I couldn't bring myself to care anymore as my hand trailed up my sensitive cock, I couldn't help it anymore I was in a needy desire that I was on my knees fingering and stroking myself. I loved it but I wanted more I wanted to feel him inside me, maybe I will do that tomorrow night, my need for him to be inside has been worse lately. He usually takes deep sleeping pills every other 2 days to get sleep for an important mission, for now I had to masturbate. I let out a sharp gasp as my fingers touched that place that made my whole body quiver in pleasure, I began thrusting my fingers roughly against the bundle of nerves "ah~! Tim! Please, please! Oh glerb!! Pound me~!!" I had soon bit my lip to muffle my scream as I came arching my back and falling limp, I stayed there panting heavily and got up my knees trembling wanting to fall. I had got out of the shower and turned it off climbing into my bed not caring if I was naked and fell asleep.

(Masky Pov)
Toby was awake I heard his shower and went to go peek inside his room seeing Tobys' ass was like a prayer I have been begging got or anyone to see, I couldn't help but drool and take a picture, I had lots of pictures of him and its not creepy you guys! It just means taking interest and enjoy seeing his or hers body/face. I went inside and covered him with his blanket so he wouldn't get a cold and went back outside his room closing the door. I went downstairs seeing Slenderman sitting at the table drinking what looked to be like tea, where does it even go I questioned sometimes and remember those times his face cracked revealing a mouth actually, so nevermind. "Good evening sir." "Good evening back my proxy" I had heard from him as I was taking out some cheesecake for a late snack, freaking Hoods needs to keep his hands off of what I buy. "I've noticed a connection forming between you and toby, care to explain?" He seemed like it was unormal and I heard " I don't care if you both are gay." Which surprised me "Honestly sir, nothing between me and Toby has been happening. I don't think he likes me but only to annoy my life I have ahead." I quickly replied "think what you think, but the time will come." "Sir, what do you me-" I turned to face him to see he was gone "-an" I finished off my sentence and went to my room with my cheesecake thinking about what he had said.

Yandere Tobi x Yandere MaskyWhere stories live. Discover now