yanderes beginning 4

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( :~°•○●Masky pov●○•°~: )
I have been watching jeff for awhile its been 4 or 5 hours since what he did to my Toby! Jeff deserved this, noone liked him anyways he was a dick like all the other pasta's bullying my Tobes. I saw him finally alone, he was standing in the kitchen, jeff usually made the kitchen bloody so even if I killed him no one would bother complaining since they'd think he made the mess. I had took out a hidden knife I usually kept under my sleeve and quickly stabbed his neck.
(●○•°Jeffs pov°•○●)
"Bored, bored, bored" I hadn't bothered noticing anyone coming in the kitchen those bastards left me her with that bitch upstairs, I fucking hated his guts, why was he even alive. I was going to make a special dedicated meat sandwich until I had felt something peirce my throat. I had let out a blood curling scream and grabbed my neck and turn to glare at the stranger only to find Masky, I smirked "getting into fights you can't even fini-." I was soon knocked out by his elbow that attached to my head and fell the floor " Toby is mine" I had heard before I quickly fainted.

(~:●○•°Masky pov°•○●:~)
I dragged this fat fucks body, I gladly took my time since I know when other pasta's leave without me they take a long time to get shit done. I dragged his body over to a hole I had made for him, I had grabbed Toby's hatchet and began slamming the hatchet down onto Jeffs' fingers cutting them all off, his groans and screams were pleasure to my ears as I cut off his legs and took eyeless jacks scapel out of my pocket and cut into his body taking his kidneys and liver since that was the good part and stitched him up and kicked him in the hole that held a glass container inside and tossed his fingers inside aswell and closed the class container and buried him alive. I had put his organs in separate jars for jack, I guess you can say he's my info person and has a huge crush on Hoodie, I had placed the jars infront of his door and returned Toby's hatchet before going to take a shower.

Yandere Tobi x Yandere MaskyWhere stories live. Discover now