The Snap

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I woke the next morning around 11:00. Damn, I really need to set an alarm or something, I thought.

I checked my phone, like I do every morning. Instagram, twitter, Snapchat....wait.

As I was scrolling through my endless list of hateful snapchats from David fans, I saw it. His name. He had snapchatted me back!

My heart pounding, I opened it.

"Sorry I must have forgotten to edit u out."

I was boiling. How could he have forgotten when he edits vlogs all the time?!

David had Snapchatted me again, apparently, because there was another one waiting to be opened.
"Why don't u come to my place and we can talk about it"

HOLY SHIT, I thought. He wants ME to come over to HIS place. David Dobrik wants me to come to his house. It's so surreal, i thought.

After a few more snaps back and forth between David and I, we finally decided on 4:00 pm at Zane's place. He's always there anyway.

After breakfast at Tiffany's (haha) I decided to go shopping, you know, for new clothes since I'm starting a new life and whatnot.

After browsing around a while in some cute little shops, I head back home. I slip on some high-waisted coral shorts and a neon green tank top that shows just a little bit of my stomach. I'm surprisingly tan for living in Colorado all my life, and I really like the way bright colors show off my skin.

I do my makeup, natural as usual, and slip into my beige sandals I bought.

I grab my phone and I'm ready to leave when I realize. I don't have a car to drive. Shit, I though. What the hell am I supposed to do?

"Aunt Tiff!" I call. "Are you home?"

"Yes honey, what's wrong?" I hear.

"Can I, could I maybe borrow your car to meet a friend?" I ask shyly.

"Sure babydoll! The keys are on the counter, have fun!" I do a fist pump in my head and race out the door.

I make it to Zane's place (David snapped me the address) and look around. Of course I recognize it, the house is in almost every vlog.

I walk up and ring the doorbell. 4:01.

After a pause, someone comes to the door. Oh my god. I think I'm gonna have a heart attack. It's Heath. Heath is my favorite person on the vlogs....ugh why is he so adorable?!

After standing in the doorway for a few seconds gawking, he finally says something.
"Ca-can I help you?" He stutters. Why does he seem nervous?

"Yeah, actually I'm here to meet David?" I explain. "He said he would be here at 4:00."

"He's uh, not here yet. He should be here shortly. Do you uh, wanna come in and wait?" He asks and smiles. He's too cute, I think.

"Sure, thanks." I smile and step through the door.

"Any specific reason you're here to see David?" Heath asks as we sit down on the oh-so-famous couch in the living area.

"Well I'm in one of his vlogs by accident, and he claims he forgot to edit it out. But ya know, whatever." I explain and shrug.

Heath chuckles and nods. "That's odd for David just to leave someone random in his vlog like that. He always edits strangers out."

Hmmm, i think.

"HEATH! Why u talkin to yourself again baby-" the voice stops. Zane stands in the doorway staring at us.
"Oh hey you're the Fruit Girl from the vlog!" Zane says, and points at me.

I laugh.
"Yeah, I guess I am," I say.

"I'm sorry, I completely forgot to ask," Heath says. "What's your name babe?"

I'm about to FANGIRL so hard, I think.

"Allie," I answer.

"That's a purty name girl," Zane teases. I laugh and Heath just shakes his head.

"Thanks," I say. I can feel myself blushing. I smile and try to cover up the pinkness of my cheeks.

"So, Allie," Heath turns back to me. "How long have you been in Hollyweird?"

"Since yesterday," I explain. "I came to live with my aunt."

Heath nods understandingly. "Cool, so you're pretty new around here. I was wondering if after your little 'meeting' with David, I could give you a tour?" He asks. Oh my fucking god, im about to faint, I think.

"Sure, I would like that," I smile and Heath smiles back.

Suddenly David walks in.
"Sorry I'm late, fuckin traffic is terrible today, dude," he explains. "Hey Allie!"

"Hey," I answer. "Look David, I don't want to take too much of your time," I say shyly.

"Oh it's no problem. I should probably tell you the real reason I put you in the vlogs, haha," he laughs, I'm so confused.

"Um, okay," I say confused.

"I saw you in target, even before the fruit incident. You were obviously very attractive, so I took any opportunity to get you on camera. It just so happens that you made a complete fool out of yourself as I was thinking this." He explains. I nod.
"So when you dropped the fruit, it was perfect. I knew the viewers would love it! Beautiful, mysterious stranger on David's vlogs. Leave people wanting more, me giving them what they want," he explains, and it all makes sense.

"Ohhhh okay, that explains it," I say.

"So you won't sue me?" He asks and laughs.

I chuckle. "Nah, not this time anyway."

We all laugh. I turn to Heath and ask
"I'm ready for my tour, Mr. Hussar," I say, in a terrible British accent, making us all laugh.

Heath smiles and helps me up off the couch.
"Let's go, baby," he says, and we practically sprint out the door.


Author's note:
Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! I'm still trying to figure out how often I'll post. I will let you know when I find out lol😁👌

Read the next chapter to find out what happens on Heath's tour of Hollywood with Allie!😏

Love you byeeee

Killing Me Softly// h.h.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora