Someone Unexpected

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Later that day, after hours of unpacking and getting settled into my (hopefully) temporary living quarters, my Aunt offered to take me to the local grocery store to buy me some of my favorite snacks. Of course I said yes, I would never pass up some Twinkies, duh.

I slipped on some denim cutoffs and my high top Converse with a tank top. What can I say? I was stoked to finally be able to dress like this, considering Denver hardly ever got above 50 degrees.

Once arriving at Target, I strolled around with my Aunt for a while until I finally found the aisle flooding with Little Debbies and Hostess snacks. I tossed a couple boxes of Cupcakes and Cosmic Brownies into the cart while my Aunt giggled. I turned around and shrugged and smiled.

When we reached the produce aisles, I picked up some apples and oranges to go along with my totally unhealthy snacks. Hey, I knew how to be healthy, I just didn't want to eat like it.

"Hey David, don't you think it's time to PEEL out?"

That voice. I knew it instantly, almost by instinct.

I turned to face a short girl wearing a cute, striped, mini jumpsuit and black high top converse. She was with a guy wearing a simple dark t-shirt with jeans and vans. His hat caught my eye, however. That black baseball cap with the Vine logo in white has come to be my favorite hat in the world. He was also carrying a camera, facing the girl.

I stood, shellshocked. I couldn't believe it. I had seen every single one of his vlogs, commented on his Instagram posts, and retweeted every one of his tweets. It was David Dobrik. The one and only.

And Liza! She was one of my favorite YouTubers from the beginning. Her fun personality, huge, bright brown eyes, and hilariously cheesy puns every Wednesday made my week.

I stood, like an idiot, shellshocked. My mouth hung open as I remained completely still like a statue.

Suddenly, I had dropped my fruits I was carrying. I hadn't even noticed, God I'm so stupid.

My heart was pounding as I picked up the dropped fruit. Shit, I thought. Way to go, Allie. Atta way to scare them off.

"I uh, think you dropped this," a familiar voice said. I looked up and there he was. A perfect human being in every way. Smiling, he handed me the fruit and reached to help me up.

"Th-thanks," I grabbed his hand. I was certain he could hear my heart pounding.

"No problem," he answered, smiling. And strolled back to his cart with Liza.

That evening, I was in Aunt Tiff's guest room scrolling through my Snapchat feed.
"I miss you already, Allie!"
"Come home soon!"
"Love you Allie!"
"Allie, I'll miss you! Have a gr8 time in Hollywood and kiss some celeb for me!"
That last one made me chuckle. That was my bff, Kristin. Of course she would be focused on the celebs more than my well being. Oh well, I loved her anyway.

"Aren't you the fruit girl from Target?"
"Haha hold on to ur fruits next time, Clutz"
"Fruit fly, get away from David"
"David doesn't like fruit, nice try anyway"

I was so confused. How did these random people know about the fruit incident?
Then I remembered. David had his camera. He was recording for a vlog. But wouldn't he edit that out?

I quickly searched YouTube for David's most recent vlog. Of course! It was titled, "Target with Liza, part 4"
Shit, I thought. I started the video, and sure enough, there I was. I looked like a fucking idiot. The whole scene played out, fruit dropping and all.

I quickly Snapchatted David.
"Hey this is the Fruit Girl from Target. Why am I in the video? I could sue u know"

Not that I would sue. But it sounded pretty threatening, so I sent it.

Author's Note:
Hey Guys! I'm a huge fan of David's and his vlog squad.

What will happen? How will David respond to Allie's threat? Will he even care? Will he even Snapchat her back? Read the next chapter to find out!😁

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