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The clinks and clangs of metal meeting stone could be heard throughout the mines. Sprites chained at their ankles and wrist worked in the mines in the Ogre Clan. Ogres walked among the cave with whips in their burley hands. They yelled and whipped the sprites when they either slowed down or wasn't working hard enough. The cave was filled with misery, hate, sadness, and dullness. Sprites from the age of toddlers and up worked and they cried as they mined and pushed carts filled with jewels. A small sprite, no older than ten and no younger than six, carried a bucket full of jewels, got her foot got caught on a rock and she fell, spilling the jewels.

The crash had echoed throughout the cave, alerting the nearest ogre. Snarling, the ogre came up and grabbed the small sprite by the back of her neck. She whimpered. "Look at what you did." The ogre snarled, showing the young sprite the mess she made.

"I-I'm s-sorry." The sprite whimpered and ogre just threw her down on the cave floor.

"Oh, you will be." The ogre said, he drew out his whip. Just as he drew out his whip, something pushed past him, making him drop the whip.

"Ons het 'n naaswenner!" *1 Shouted an Ogre.

"Don't let that sprite escape!" Ogres were shouting and shoving their way through the mineshaft. The small girl sprite took the distraction as a chance to scurry away. Beyond the cave, one sprite zigged-zagged. The mine was maze, that much the sprite knew, but months of studying the cave system, he finally took that moment to escape. He could hear the bellows of the ogres behind him, but the stupid brutes were slow and would never catch up to him in time.

Fluttering his wings to gain more speed, he saw the mouth of the mouth, guarded by two ogres, though both were snoring away, which made a quick escape. But he didn't stop there, he wouldn't stop until he reached Shurli, the home to the humans. And hopefully, the Creator herself. 

*1 "ons het 'n naaswenner" ~ " We got a runner"

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