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And just like that the darks moods are back

Without a warning without a sign

I find myself once again surrounded by black

Just when my thoughts were starting to align

Confused I fall down from my high

And in the periphery of my sight

I see thunderclouds roll down the sky

Their lighting setting me alight

I try to re-establish my ties

But find reality askew

Tears burning behind my eyes

I fight against this madness anew

Resentment, cold indifference or distaste

Are the only feelings I pick up from those around

With the venom of my own insecurity interlaced

They shackle me back to the ground

“You’re back early!” laughs my hole

Embittered I force a smile

My feelings spiral out of control

And I begin to get used to the taste of bile

I need to find a permanent way out

Life simply leaves the weak behind

But I have no clue how to go about

Doubt poisons the mind

All alone in my hole I sit and watch the sky

Forcing myself not to cry out in pain

As I see life passing me by

Black PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now