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I woke up by the sound of the doorbell ringing. Without thinking I went to the door and opened. I saw Christoffer standing there looking hadsome as always. "Eva! Why arent you ready?!" he said really loud. Then I remembered the party. "Shit what time is it?" I said and he looked at his phone. "9:22PM" He said before walking in the house. "I'm sorry I slept too much oh my god please don't be mad" I started to panick and his hands found their way to my cheeks making me take a depe breath and look into his eyes. "It's fine, we can arrive an hour later, I don't care. Go get ready, I'll wait upstairs" he said and his hands fell down his sides.

Quickly I ran downstairs ans go ready. About 45 minutes later I was ready, I know, a record. I ran upstairs and saw Christoffer laying on the couch. "Come on, I'm ready" I said and he looked at me. His eyes scanned me up and down while he was standing up. "You look beautiful" he said and I started blushing, again.

We got to the party by 10:30PM more or less and the time passed really quickly. Christoffer went with his friends and I went with mines. 5 minutes before midnight we turned on the tv for the countdown, everyone was gathering around talking and laughing. Christoffer found his way next to me and took my hand. "This next year is gonna be the greatest" he said.

3, 2, 1.... "HAPPY NEW YEAR" everyone screamed, yelled or whatever, everyone hugging eachother. I turned to Christoffer to wish him a happy new year but he surprised me. His lips on mine, his hands holding my face as if I was going to break anytime. I'm sure people saw that but in that moment I didn't care. I kissed him back putting my arms around his neck, getting into the moment.

As much as none of us wanted to break the kiss we needed to breathe, so he pulled out. I opened my eyes and looked at his, then at his lips. He was smiling. "Happy new year" he whispered in my ear and I smiled. The confidence I felt didn't last long since when I tried talking I kept stuttering "I-I need t-to go wish a-a happy new year to m-my friends" I said awkwardly. He nodded and smiled once more before I left to find the girls.

"wHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!!" Sana yelled when I was close enough to hear them. I laughed not knowing what to tell them. "It was just a new years kiss guys, nothing more" I tried softening the topic. "NOTHING MORE MY ASS" Chris said putting up the beer can she was holding. "You two are becoming something, I can feel it" she continued more calmly since Vilde had taken the beer out of her hand. "Don't think so, he'd never like me. No that I like him either" I replied. "Oh no, you completely don't like eachother but you had one of the most intense make out session I've ever witnessed in my life" Vilde said sarcastically. I looked a Noora for help but she was looking somewhere else, probably staring at William.

I think it was at around 2AM that I felt really tired, I wanted to go home. I was sitting on a couch in the middle of Sana and Vilde while Chris was talking to some guy and Noora was nowhere to be seen. "Guys, I think I'm gonna go home, I'm tired" I said getting up, I think they nodded. Before I could walk away Sana grabbed my arm turning me to face her. "How did you come here" she asked. "Chris is my ride" I said not thinking. She smiled and raised her eyebrows and I scoffed turned around to go find Chris. It took me about 10 minutes to find him, he was outside with some of his friends.

It took me 5 minutes more to build up the courage to go where they were to talk to him. I walked up to them and Christoffer's eyes fixed on me, stopped paying attention to his friends and smiled. "Um.. I don't wanna ruin your night b-but..." I felt really bad, what if I was completely cutting off his night to take me home. I looked at my feet. "You want me to take you home" Christoffer finished and I nodded. "I mean you d-don't need to" I said but he turned to his friends did their weird bro handshake thing and turned to me. "Let's get you home then" he said and took my hand in his.

Christoffer parked in front of my house, we both went out the car and he walked me to the door. I opened it but turned to him before going inside. "So...um are you going back to the party now?" I asked, I don't know why. I guess I just wanted to be around him for a little bit more time. "I don't think so, I was bored there anyways so..." he said. I looked up at him and I said something I really hadn't thought through entierly but still my brain made me say it. "Do you wanna stay the night?" I asked, his eyebrwos raised looking at my eyes. "You sure?" I nodded and took hi hand and brought him inside. 

Christoffer somehow made my confidence bust, I felt more confident when I was around him alone, like I could do anything. So I did. We stopped in the living room, I turned around and pressed my lips to his. I loved the feeling. One of his hands moved their way to my him and the other to one side of my face. My hands were in his hair as I was pulling him more into me.

Things escalated quickly when he took me in his arms and walked us to my room, I wasn't complaining. He lay us down to my bed and kept making out. I was on top of him as his hands traveled down my body, carefully without touching any parts that'd make me stop. He was cautious. I smiled in the kiss as I was thinking about that.

I pulled away and sat up still on top of him. His hands were on my waist. His hair was a mess but he still looked handsome as hell. I didn't say anything I just kept studying his face. He smiled. "What are you loking at?" he said. "You" I said. This scene reminded me of one of those cheesy movies. He chuckled and one of his hands pulled a strand of hair that was in my face behind my ear. His hand rubbed my cheek as he pulled me in again.

A/N: bitch they are so cute im dead honestlydbdiiuhip...... VOTE & COMMENT :) (its not revised so im sorry if there are grammar errors or typos or something...) 

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